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1st Novice Junior show and win, mom brags

Our daughter couldn't wait to be old enough to become a Novice Junior Handler at the ripe old age of 9, so in the meantime she worked quite a bit with Dianne M. She competed in quite a few Open Bitches, Chocolate classes. If any of you remember she was the little girl with the "Red Show Shoes". Well today was her first Novice Junior class, she took 1st place! Judges comments were Beautiful picture, nice movement. Room to improve: shorter show lead and practice, practice, practice.
This is a special "Thank you" to everyone who sees something special in Mallori...many THANKS!

Re: 1st Novice Junior show and win, mom brags

BIG Congrats AND hugs!!! Mallori's slide-show made me SMILE

Look forward to hearing more about her in the future!!!

Re: 1st Novice Junior show and win, mom brags

Thank you Bev. We are pretty sure you'll be hearing alot more about Mallori and her show future. Seems she has it all planned out. A girl and her love for Labs...

Re: 1st Novice Junior show and win, mom brags

OMGosh! Too cute! You have to be so proud of her. A huge Congrats to both of you

Re: 1st Novice Junior show and win, mom brags

Our daughter couldn't wait to be old enough to become a Novice Junior Handler at the ripe old age of 9, so in the meantime she worked quite a bit with Dianne M. She competed in quite a few Open Bitches, Chocolate classes. If any of you remember she was the little girl with the "Red Show Shoes". Well today was her first Novice Junior class, she took 1st place! Judges comments were Beautiful picture, nice movement. Room to improve: shorter show lead and practice, practice, practice.
This is a special "Thank you" to everyone who sees something special in Mallori...many THANKS!

Congrats Mallori! She is a very talented youngster and is so good with the dogs...she will go far! Wish I was there to watch.

Dianne Mullikin, EMT-B
Los Angeles, CA

Re: 1st Novice Junior show and win, mom brags

Congratulations to your daughter, i've got a niece doing jr handling too and before that she was already doing the regular classes with the same bitch as she wasn't old enough for jr's yet, she's managed in one months time to get a BOS on this bitch and a BOB with a group 3 placement. I love to see the kids in the ring with the dogs.

Re: 1st Novice Junior show and win, mom brags


I was just enjoying your website and Mallori's slide show.
She is adorable and very tallented. Every photo shows a well placed dog showed by a very tallented little handler...did I mention she's adodrable.

Carla Dubois

Congratulations! I know you're a proud mom!

And with good reason.

Re: Congratulations! I know you're a proud mom!

Thank you ALL, Mallori finished today with another 1st, what a way to finish on your first event week-end.
Judges comments: were an A plus in sportsmanship, he overheard her congratulating the Winner of the Best of Juniors.