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puppy allergy??

Scenario: 9 week old puppy, placed one week ago in new home. New owners called after having to take pup to emergency vet at night because pup was crying and chewing at legs and feet non stop. Vet gave them special shampoo, new owners bathed pup that night. Next night similar problems. A little better during day when pup is distracted by play.

Puppy is now back with me (only about 20 minutes ago) No redness in ears or feet. Can't see anything that looks out of the ordinary. Gave 1/2 a benydryl for her to sleep well tonight.

Question...can a pup have environmental allergies this young?

Note: Only new thing in new owners house was a painters tarp they layed down over their carpet to protect it. They removed it right away.

Re: puppy allergy??

Sounds like it could be mites. Was the shampoo strong enough to kill mites? (If the puppy was stressed, then mites kind of act up.)

Or - if they had a cat - it could even be just a flea or two to cause itching.

Re: puppy allergy??

Not really. Dogs usually get environmental allergy symptoms after 1 year when they are exposed a to the allergens a second season. Vaccine reaction are basically the most common allergy reactions you see in little puppies.
Possible causes: fleas, ant bytes, sarcoptic mange, dry skin.

Re: puppy allergy??

Never thought about mites. I have three of the littermates here with me and no issues whatsoever. I am going to see what happens here over the next 24 hours.

Re: puppy allergy??

Did the new owner give another set of shots soon after you gave a set? I've seen that happen - the vet just automatically gives them another shot when they go in for their puppy wellness check after they get the puppy home. Then 2 sets of shots within a short period of time can certainly cause such a reaction.

Re: puppy allergy??

When I picked up my 8 week old puppy she was doing the same thing. She had no redness in ears, etc, just the biting up and down the legs and she would actually put her whole back foot in her mouth (like a turkey leg) and chew it. I took her to the vet and the vet said the same thing-too young for allergies-no mites etc.
She came to me on ProPlan chicken and rice puppy-I switched her to Eagle Pack Holisitc Chicken and Rice and she stopped. I notice she will still do this today (Age 3) if she gets too much cheese (a stuffed cheese bone).