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AKC Chilled Semen Reg.

Great New! Just found out that AKC is dropping the requirement that a veterinarian needs to be involved in AIs and chilled semen breedings. This info was from the last delegate meeting. Now we are no longer "illegal" for what we have always been doing.

Re: AKC Chilled Semen Reg.

Yay - when does/did this go into effect?

Curious if they still charge extra for a chilled semen breeding registration? If so, not that I'm complaining, but I'd bet they just want to make more money so we all "fess up" and "pay up".

Re: AKC Chilled Semen Reg.

They have never charged more for a chilled semen breeding, it was just additional paperwork that had to be filled out and the hassle of having the vet sign that additional paperwork.

Yay - when does/did this go into effect?

Curious if they still charge extra for a chilled semen breeding registration? If so, not that I'm complaining, but I'd bet they just want to make more money so we all "fess up" and "pay up".

Re: AKC Chilled Semen Reg.

Great news, Lisa! Those of us who have been conscientiously and successfully doing inseminations for 20 + years are now able to come out of the closet!

Re: AKC Chilled Semen Reg.

Thanks for that update Lisa. I had heard rumors of that from an AKC rep who spoke at the Therio meeting in August- but hadn't heard it had gone through. It never made sense to me that breeders were allowed to do 'side by side' AI's but (technically)needed a vet to sign off for shipped semen. This new rule makes much more sense.

Re: AKC Chilled Semen Reg.

That's great news! Where is it documented and when will it be official?

Re: AKC Chilled Semen Reg.

Great, everybody was doing it any way