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Puppy weight at 4 months

I have a male puppy in a pet home that is thin. Yes, I tell them he looks thin. They up his feed but he is still skinny. How much do your little boys weigh at that age. Maybe if I can tell them some numbers instead of just saying he is thin, they will be more able to understand.

Re: Puppy weight at 4 months

Have a almost 4 month old boy pup right now that weighs 40 lbs.n

Re: Puppy weight at 4 months

We have some right now that are not overdone and they weigh 47 lbs at 5 months.

Re: Puppy weight at 4 months

I don't know how you can give anyone numbers to go by but for what it's worth, our boy will be 4 months this weekend and is about 33-35 lbs.

Re: Puppy weight at 4 months

Yes, you really can't compare because it is like apples and oranges - some are bigger framed and some are smaller. However, I have 2 puppies that are not over done that were 49# and 52# at 5 good weight - not overweight. You have to see what weight is appropriate for each individual dog and feed accordingly.

Re: Puppy weight at 4 months

AVERAGE weight gain for a Labrador puppy is approx. 10 lbs. for the first 6 months and then it tapers off.

Re: Puppy weight at 4 months

It's healthier for him to be lean as he grows - but his backbone and hip bones should not show. Ribs can show and he can still be in good weight. There is no magic number. As long as he is eating and getting plenty of water and acting normally and has been wormed he's probably healthy!

Re: Puppy weight at 4 months

I learned from a vet many years ago that the rule of thumb is that a puppy's weight at 4 months should be roughly 1/2 of it's adult weight. So you could compare double this puppy's current weight with that of his sire, uncles, etc. to see if he is where he should be.

Re: Puppy weight at 4 months

I have a 4 month old boy and he is 42 pounds... and looks great.

Re: Puppy weight at 4 months

Just had my 4 month old in and he weighed 44 lbs and he's in great shape.

Re: Puppy weight at 4 months

30 to 40 pounds

Re: Puppy weight at 4 months

Are the owners concerned? Is the puppy happy and energetic and playful? Is the puppy eating a good dog food? Does the puppy have a good appetite? Is the play (which is the only exercise a puppy needs) appropriate? If owners are not concerned and the puppy is otherwise healthy with a good appetite, what worries you?

Most vets think that Labs are far too heavy in adulthood so I would not use adult weight as a goal for appropriate weight. Lighter dogs live longer and happier lives if they eat a good diet and have reasonable exercise. Weight is just a number.