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progesterone and breeding question

Mon at 3., wasn't tested again till today and is at 22.1. So I'm guessing she would have been at a 5.+ on tuesday and approx 12.+ on wednesday. I would have bred thurs and sat but I don't have the girl here. I would think a breeding tomorrow would be fine. The vet that did the progesterone testing and the stud owner seem to think tomorrow is too late.....thoughts ??

Re: progesterone and breeding question

Gotta try. At 22, today would be perfect.

Re: progesterone and breeding question

Friday and Sat. would probably be okay. If she had her LH on Sunday, then that would be days 5 and 6 post LH. Get it in there ASAP.

Re: progesterone and breeding question

If it is really 22, it is too late.
Probably one of the two test is not right. I would re-test ASAP and go from there. if it over 18 again I would not breed. You are risking to have a singleton.

Re: progesterone and breeding question

When I bred my bitch she was at 4.8 on a Monday and at 40!! on Wednesday. I bred her Wed and Friday and she had 8 pups.

Re: progesterone and breeding question

I knew my girl ovulated on a Monday with a progesterone of 5.9

Before we bred her on Wednesday, I had another progesterone pulled, she was 54!!! There's no rule for how quickly or how slowly they are to rise after ovulation, just that it does rise!

Bred the Wednesday and the friday and had 11 pups!

Good luck!

Re: progesterone and breeding question

My bitch was bred 3 days after reaching 5.0 The day she was bred, the progesterone was at 22. She conceived 12 puppies. Go for it.

Re: progesterone and breeding question

prog. levels after 5.0 (approx. ovulation) don't mean anything. Just count from LH or 5.0

Re: progesterone and breeding question

If you did the test Monday morning and it was 3.0, there is a good chance she hit 5.0+ Monday evening. Ideally you would of wanted to breed her Wednesday evening, and preferably no later than Friday evening. You might be able to get away with Saturday Morning and catch some eggs at the very end.(This is assumming that Monday's 3.0 test is accurate.)

Re: progesterone and breeding question

The monday test was done after noon.

Re: progesterone and breeding question

With a progesterone of 3ng/ml on Monday my initial recommendation would have been to breed th/sat OR fri/sun. It's approximately 48 hours from LH surge to Ovulation and then another 48 hours before the ova are mature. (and it's not like ovulation is a single quick moment, it likely is happening over about 24 hours). Once the ova are mature they still remain viable for several days. The early progesterone values (initial rise and approximate ovulation) are more important than what the number is following ovulation. In this case it seems there is plenty of time, but if you are ever concerned that it is too late then a vaginal smear can easily determine if the bitch is in diestrus and it is indeed too late.

Re: progesterone and breeding question

The monday test was done after noon.

It was great to do it on wednesday and friday, you will have a nice litter.

Re: progesterone and breeding question

My girl had a progesterone of 2.9 on a Friday, 15.4 on Monday, we bred Tuesday early a.m., and Wednesday late afternoon and pregnancy was confirmed yesterday with 8-10. I will bet you will have a nice litter!