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puppy w/ skin rolls on shoulders/dry skin?

Have a puppy who is about 10 weeks old that has skin rolls on her shoulders now!
Did not have this up until now and this was/is a show propsect pup.
Upon closer exam, revealed dry? skin with flaking and can pick out little pieces of skin/scabs all over the neck area but not visable without feeling through the thick black coat.
What could be causing this? Other 2 pups still with us do not have this.

Re: puppy w/ skin rolls on shoulders/dry skin?

It's possible your puppy got the scabs from horsing around with it's littermates. Sharp little needle teeth can do damage. Try a medicated shampoo good for puppies from your vet. With healing this may clear up the shoulder rolls if the pup has a skin irritation.

Re: puppy w/ skin rolls on shoulders/dry skin?

Demodectic mange maybe. I hope not.

Re: puppy w/ skin rolls on shoulders/dry skin?

I suppose that's possible, either way.
Besides the skin flakes, which may or may not have something to do with the rolls, what's your experience with puppies who have shoulder rolls? Even if it wasn't there are 8 weeks or younger, is this conformation fault something that will stay or go away?
Should I give up on this pup?

Re: puppy w/ skin rolls on shoulders/dry skin?

I wouldn't give up. Just observe him for a couple of weeks. I've never seen that happen to a puppy that age. Only on older puppies or dogs and with severe Demodectic mange. The folds come from the overgrowth of bacteria, scabs, and auto trauma. It doesn't sound like your puppy has that.
You could take him to do a skin scrape, and see if they found something.

Re: puppy w/ skin rolls on shoulders/dry skin?

If this is just dry flakey skin and you don't think its a medical condition - apple cider viniger (organic with mother) at 1 tbsp daily (1 1/2 tspn in a.m. and p.m. meal ) with water added works great to clear it up in a couple of weeks. Fish oil can help too.

The skin scraping first may be a good idea to rule anything out.

Re: puppy w/ skin rolls on shoulders/dry skin?

I used ACV for about 2 years and it ruined the tooth enamel on 2 of my dogs. Ask your vet.

Re: puppy w/ skin rolls on shoulders/dry skin?

You don't use the ACV long term. Long enough (2 weeks or so) to get rid of the flakes and than stop. Plus it is diluted with water in the food.

Humans drink ACV in water for health purposes on a daily basis all the time with no tooth issues that I have ever heard of.