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A good way to start my morning.

Sitting here in the cafe where I usually start my mornings, I couldn't help but notice him. I've seen him before, this fellow. He's a pretty frequent visitor, and he always wears the same air of alert, calm devotion to his work. But more than that...he's just visibly, well, happy.

I am speaking of course of the black Labrador service dog, at his post by the side of his blind master.

He wouldn't place at any shows, this dog. His typier cousins would outclass him. Yet there is a sort of quiet, old-fashioned dignity to him; a pair of soulful brown eyes set in a wise, kindly head.

But what touched me so deeply about him as I watched him today was--his tail. As the two got up to leave and walked to the door, I saw that this lovely dog's tail was gently, but gaily, waving.

This dog's entire life will consist of one long vigil. His whole existence is devoted to being always and ever on the alert, taking care of someone else, being a servant. And he loves it. He's content and happy and wouldn't have it any other way.

Thanksgiving is still 6 days away, but this morning, I was thankful to this sweet black dog for reminding me of everything we love about our wonderful Labs, and how dreary a place the world would be without them.

Re: A good way to start my morning.

Tks Emily!!!

Re: A good way to start my morning.

Awwww, brought tears to my eyes as I pictures this beautiful boy doing what they all love to do..."helping their people".

I have two puppies from my last litter in the Hearing and Service Dogs of Minnesota Program so this esepccially warmed my heart. Our breed truly is remarkable!!!

Re: A good way to start my morning.

Wonderful...well-said and well-written! Thank you!

Re: A good way to start my morning.

What a great story to read first thing in the morning with my cup of Mojo !! Thanks for sharing Emily !!!!

Re: A good way to start my morning.


Re: A good way to start my morning.

Well're the "cream in my coffee" today! What a wonderful and heart warming story to start everyone's day. I for one can't help but to get a huge lump in my throat and a tear in my eye when I see a service dog's love and devotion to his/her master. It's a beautiful thing in deed! Thanks for sharing Emily!

Re: A good way to start my morning.

Great story, and rather timely. Yesterday I noticed a fellow who works at our office building and is wheelchair-bound moving very fast with his handsome Black who was trotting along at a good clip across the parking lot with him--they were perfectly in sync and the dog was gorgeous! Makes you very happy to see this!

Re: A good way to start my morning.

What a lovely reflection, Emily! Thank-you SO much for sharing what you saw so clearly with your heart this morning. I am reminded, once again, what a treasured gift this breed is- to so many people.

Re: A good way to start my morning.

Well said!! Brought tears to my eyes.

Re: A good way to start my morning.

Thank you for sharing your well written story. I feel the same as the others have written... I am always touched very deeply by service animals,, esp when they love what they do and their charges appreciate them... OK Kleenex time. Thanks again... God bless this special boy!

Re: A good way to start my morning.

Great way