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Just a thought for the Season...

I was thinking the other day about what a boring world it would be if we all had the same opinion about everything. I've heard bickering lately about why breed field labs, why conformation labs are fat, why breed unproven studs, people criticizing the quality of others dogs, breeding dogs without titles....

Where would we be without that one person taking a chance breeding on a prelim, breeding a nice pedigreed dog with no titles, making a best guess on whether to breed on a non-passing elbow when they are SURE it was an injury, all the stuff that so many folks like to stand on their soapbox about and call an OUTRAGE.

If all dogs looked the same and judges had all the same vision and opinion, what would things be like? Could we even have dog shows?

This is a hobby. I want to have fun. I try my best to educate, make decisions I feel are right, have fun showing my dogs, not cast judgment on fellow enthusiasts as I am not in their shoes. Just because I feel that breeding dogs should have titles if possible, doesn't mean that the breeder that never shows is sub-standard. Or that the breeder who has multi-titled dogs in performance shouldn't breed because they don't have a conformation title.

Maybe we all should look inside ourselves a bit more before we open our mouths.

Hope ya'll have a great weekend, those expecting, those showing, and those just loving their pets.

Re: Just a thought for the Season...

I like you, whoever you are! (and whoever I am ) You are the kind of Lab person I'd like to hang with.

Happy Thanksgiving to all

Re: Just a thought for the Season...

I agree 100%. I am not new to showing/breeding, but relatively. I am amazed and saddened at the snide comments that are made on this forum. If we behaved as loving and non- judgemental as our dogs, we wouldn't be hearing this. Something to think about and feel thankful to love and be loved by this wonderful breed. I hope this finds everyone healthy and thankful for what they have, and for those who don't, I pray it comes your way!!!! Happy Thanksgiving!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Re: Just a thought for the Season...

Beautifully said!I wish more thought like you!Wishing you and yours wonderful holidays!

Re: Just a thought for the Season...

Nice post, happy thanksgiving.

I wish everybody could think that way.