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In Search Of....

How can I find a handler in the Central Florida area to handle my lab in the Orlando shows in December, I cant find anyone in my area after the one I had scheduled to handle him now tells me that he is not going! Please help, already entered and now???????? I was told of a Corry Krickberg but I cant locate him, does anyone know how to get a hold of him or suggest an alternative?

Re: In Search Of....

I would ask your handler for recommendations if you haven't already...

Re: In Search Of....

I did but no such luck!

Re: In Search Of....

It's Correy Krickeberg. And you might ask Ms. Hess at Tampa Bay Labradors. I am sure she knows how to get in touch with him. He is very good with her boy. You also might try Janice Granda you might reach her through Grandquest Labradors, she is another wonderful Handler in Florida. Don't know if she is going but it might be worth a try. Good Luck with handlers and at the show!

Re: In Search Of....

Re: In Search Of....

You can probably forget about Janice. She handles dogs in practically every class including a specials. If you put your email address maybe someone can contact you pivately.

Re: In Search Of....

There are a lot of East Coast professional handlers that go down to the Florida circuit. You could probably contact any of them and they would handle your dog for you either ring side or dropping the dog off before the shows begin when the handlers arrive.

Re: In Search Of....

Yes, put in your e-mail address. I know of alot of good handlers down that way. Someone will alert them if they don't happen to read this. Sorry about your handler.

Re: In Search Of....

Thanks to all for your help, here is my email!

Re: In Search Of....

"Kolata's Professional Handling"

They are great with the dogs and great handlers.