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JUDG marking?

Anybody know why this was marked in the catalog yesterday in Mass?


Re: JUDG marking?

It would indicate that the judge excused the dog for some reason - specifics would be marked in the judge's book, for example "Excused - Lame", or "Excused - could not examine". As experienced as this dog is, without being there I would guess he was lame, but I don't know for sure.

Re: JUDG marking?

Yes -- Joy pulled him because he cut his pad on a wire crate.

Re: JUDG marking?

So this is how they do it in America!

Re: JUDG marking?

oh were you there??

Yes -- Joy pulled him because he cut his pad on a wire crate.

Re: JUDG marking?

If he was pulled, wouldn't he have just been absent, rather than excused? Poor thing - I've had a dog cut a pad on a crate as well, so feel for him.

Re: JUDG marking?

If he cut his foot on a wire crate, I hope he gets a tetanus shot. Those crates are rusty as hell!

Re: JUDG marking?

was there - MEOW!
That wasn't nice.
Be nice.

Re: JUDG marking?

what an utterly ridiculous thread. it was obviously started to cause trouble and it's very transparent.
who cares??

Re: JUDG marking?

I am glad to hear that RJ is well. I am sure the OP was curious as to what was wrong with him. I would like to know how they got the catalog results so fast today. That is quite the show secretary.

Its pretty common for dogs to get their feet caught in the wire crates, thats why I would rather stick to sky kennels.

I hope he gets a shot too if it was a rusty crate.

Re: JUDG marking?

I am glad to hear that RJ is well. I am sure the OP was curious as to what was wrong with him. I would like to know how they got the catalog results so fast today. That is quite the show secretary.

Its pretty common for dogs to get their feet caught in the wire crates, thats why I would rather stick to sky kennels.

I hope he gets a shot too if it was a rusty crate.

Nope, pretty sure it was to start sh*t. Why post the dog's name? Why give Sharlene grief for posting why he was hurt, do you need to be present to post info now on this forum? People should really just worry about their own yard instead of putting down others.

“Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.”

Now go hug your dogs.

Re: JUDG marking?

You guys read too much into it - I was just curious what happened to the dog. And the other remarks were not mine! I guess no one can ask a question without it being turned into a big conspiracy!


Re: JUDG marking?

No, it sound like more to start something. Could only be a couple of reason.

Re: JUDG marking?

For all that really want to know, YES RJ was jumping around as he usually does and jumped on a crate with his 2 front feet. He caught the top of the crate at just the right spot where he got a small sliced in one of his pads. RJ was taken ASAP ( for all who don't know me !!) to the vet and checked out and given a shot( even thought the crate was not rusty as it was somewhat new).
FYI..Once a dog walks in the ring regardless of the reason for leaving it has to be marked in the judges book. In this case Joy saw he was still off in his front and went to the judge to excuse herself and RJ as the proper thing to do..
RJ is fine and at home in the kitchen.

Re: JUDG marking?

BTW, for those that care....

Dogs don't get tetanus

Re: JUDG marking?


who cares??

Re: JUDG marking?

BTW, for those that care....

Dogs don't get tetanus

Dogs can get tetanus

Re: JUDG marking?

So what's the problem, wish you were American

Re: tetnus

They do get it. Mine did and all most died. Horrible thing to happen.