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The Dark Side Of The Internet.

I dont Participate in Chat Rooms or List ! But this Is my Opinion. I Found too much Supposed "Expert" Information on Judging,Breeds,and Standars that are strictly PERSONAl Opinions. Not The kind of helpful Suggwstions you Migth get From Other ones. Of course I realize that this is exacly what Judging Is - Personal Opinions,but I do not feel that my opinion is needed constantly on the Internet. I am Doing this On Print Too and It Allows Others to Evaluate my likes,Dislakes and Suggestions. There are no Personal references except to compliment someone,never to condemn anyone.

However, the Internet is not a place for vendettas, Personal Character assassinations, or other "Gossipy"Comments. If we could eliminate these emails we would have a better relationship with our fellow Dog pepole. There have been Vitriolic comments here, Accusations of Wrong Doing withoutany form of proof,and personality attacks. We can do Without this especially when it is send out for all to read. Even those pepole who do not know the person can read it. I belive our List coordinators can put a stop to This . At least they have an obligation to do so. They Shous Pre-read all the Comments and if they were unacceptable they shoud Delete/return them and notify the sender.

What bothers me is the fact thst even thougth I am not on the list some pepole will foward these remarks to me, and as soon as I see what it is, I delete it. Isn'tThere Enough Troble in the World??? Come On Pepole - PLAY NICE!!!!!

Re: The Dark Side Of The Internet.


Re: The Dark Side Of The Internet.

I agree with the sentiments but wonder how a Papillon breeder/judge's comments appeared on this forum. She does not even judge Labs. And I also wish, for the sake of the sentiments, that someone had proofread her post.

Re: The Dark Side Of The Internet.

Yes, there's a lot of back biting and gossiping on the internet.

Before, people just talked behind your back and pointed fingers.

Re: The Dark Side Of The Internet.

Well its all been going on for years. Its just opinions. How many is too many litters, too many dogs, enough titles, enough clearances, enough important friends, enough shows ? The answer in the eye of the beholder. We all do something different and think it is just fine and maybe it is. The main thing is, do it for this beloved breed. And the second part of this would be, I don't mind at all someone giving me the heads up on a stud that has offspring with PRA, EIC, heart problems or seizure. Some do need to be more open with problems and pull some dogs out of the breeding programs. Save us, pet familys and the wonderful Labs alot of pain. JMHO

Re: The Dark Side Of The Internet.

The purpose for forums, this one or most any other ones on the internet, is for threads to start and others give their input. It would be insane to have the board owner to delete anything that person didnt agree with. Everyone has a different point of view, so you will have many different views on things at a forum. If the board owner were to just have something that they were to agree with and delete everything else, it would become a blog not a forum.

So my advise is to go hug your dogs. Dont visit forums if you dont like different answers, some bickering and the gossip. This is what a forum is. It sounds like you need to find someone likeminded, hopefully they will have a blog for you to be notified of updates.

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