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Issue with one of my girls please help!!

I need a little help please. One of my girls was attacked at a show a few weeks ago. She was not hurt. She is 18 months old and has always been great with all the other dogs. However lately she has picked on one of my other girls. I decided to place the other one with a good friend of mine since I was not really doing much with her anyway. Now she is picking on another girl that I have. I am isolating her now. My question for you all is what can I do to get her over this? She is really a sweet girl and never caused any problems before being attacked a few weeks back. She will play fine with them for awhile then all of a sudden its like something gets to her and she picks on the other girl so I really do not know what to do. I have never had a girl act like that. Thank you in advance.

Re: Issue with one of my girls please help!!

Is she possibly coming into season ? I have one girl that is a royal bitch when she is coming into season, snarls, and turns her lip up if anyone even looks at her. Once her time is over she is fine.

Re: Issue with one of my girls please help!!

Sounds like your girl had her confidence with other dogs damaged. I would recommend re-building her confidence by putting her in several NON-stressful situations such as a leash walk with another dog or two. I would hold off on the wild play in the yard since it might recreate a situation that makes her insecure...she might just be lashing out in self-defense because she is associating those situations with her experience of being attacked. If left to her own devices she will most likely continue to get more insecure and may react with more her know it is OK to trust other dogs.

Re: Issue with one of my girls please help!!

Could very well be she's coming in heat soon!One of mine start's picking on the others weeks before she comes in.Luckily she's the only one who suffers with PMS!!!

Re: Issue with one of my girls please help!!

Could very well be she's coming in heat soon!One of mine start's picking on the others weeks before she comes in.Luckily she's the only one who suffers with PMS!!!

Yes, I agree.
I've worked puppies that are a little too agressive by letting them interact only with the most dominant bitches. Then they back off, and understand that there some behaviors that are not accepted.

Re: Issue with one of my girls please help!!

FWIW I had a girl that was sweet as pie until she was just about the same age as your girl. There was no event to blame it on, but her personality went bad. I was able to keep her separated from the others. One time she did get loose and did a real number on one of the other girls. It was a horrible experience and an enormous vet bill. I placed her in a single dog home. I put her problems in writing in a contract of sale. She never had another bad day. Her owners think she is an absolute angel & I must be nuts. It can happen. I hope this will not be the case with your girl.

Re: Issue with one of my girls please help!!

Sounds like your girl had her confidence with other dogs damaged. I would recommend re-building her confidence by putting her in several NON-stressful situations such as a leash walk with another dog or two. I would hold off on the wild play in the yard since it might recreate a situation that makes her insecure...she might just be lashing out in self-defense because she is associating those situations with her experience of being attacked. If left to her own devices she will most likely continue to get more insecure and may react with more her know it is OK to trust other dogs.

Agree with above. I had a girl become extemely shy after being attacked, I think your dog's response is actually healthier. I'd just have her on leash while with other dogs, when they approach her, stand between her and other dog - this shows you'll take care of it. She expected you to protect her at the show and in her mind you failed. I'm not blaming, just saying how a dog perceives it. Now she thinks she'd better take charge since you didn't. Show her you will take charge and protect. Make the other dogs sit, stand between her and new dogs, etc. It helped my girl overcome shyness and probably will help yours overcome agression since it's really not in her core personality. All the best with this situation, I wouldn't give up too soon.

Re: Issue with one of my girls please help!!

Another thing to think about here, is to take her to a controled obedience class, where you can "set her up" to re-learn how to react around other dogs. Weave in and out a line of dogs that are all sitting with their owners on a tight leash, and have a pocket full of treats to reward all positive behavior. I think several of these training opportunities should allow her to regain her confidence.