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Medical problem, missing testicle

I hope to find out if anyone has ever dealt with, or heard about the following.

One of my males, 20 months old, got away from us and chased a car. Nobody saw what exactly happened, but my husband heard a yelp, and the dog in question ended up obviously lame on his right front. So he either collided with the car, or slipped and made a bad tumble. I took the dog to my vet where they did x-rays to see if he had broken any bones, which he fortunately had not.

Two days after the accident I noticed that this dog only had 1 testicle in the scrotum. A sonogram showed that the 2nd testicle is sitting in the inguinal canal. Remember this dog is almost 2 YEARS old and he and his 4 litter brothers had both testicles down when they were 8 weeks old. Also the dog in question has been shown and has 1 major, his most recent show was 2 weeks before this accident.

Some specialists contacted don't think the disappearing testicle has anything to do with the accident. If there was something else going on which would be a possible cause then I know what to do. (Neuter the boy and find a great home for him). If for one reason or another he possibly could have torn something and that is the cause then I would make a different decision.

By putting this on the forum I hope to find out if anyone has ever heard of something similar and if so, what the outcome was.


Re: Medical problem, missing testicle

He could have herniated during the collision causing the testicle to go through the herniation, however you would need to act quickly , ie. go in and do an exploratory and get the testicle back in place very quickly, if left up there it will kill any sperm produced in there.

Re: Medical problem, missing testicle

Agree. This dog needs to get to a repro. vet asap! Not for the sake of the current sperm in the testicle but for the ligament that is attached to the testicle. You may get contraction and it will be permanently shortened. Good luck! Let us know what happens.

Re: Medical problem, missing testicle

Have you called....
Can anyone else name some more with contact numbers for this breeder?

Re: Medical problem, missing testicle

Thanks for the replies so far.

Yes I have contacted some of the specialist mentioned. Will let the forum know what the eventual decision and outcome is. From the lack of responses it looks like my boy's problem is not very common.

Re: Medical problem, missing testicle

doing searches and came across this post, what ever happened to your boy?

Re: Medical problem, missing testicle

Testicle is still gone. It can be easily felt, but it is not moving at all. It is not bothering the boy at all and so when there is a good reason to put him under then the testicle will be removed.