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undecended testicle

What is the average cut off time to give up on an undecended testicle ? I did have one boy who had only one decended testicle still at 10mos of age. Then low and behold at 1yr of age he now has both testicles decended.

Re: undecended testicle

8 weeks for me. As far as your boy with the testicle dropped after 10 months of age - I suggest you watch him carefully for signs of testicular cancer. Please also tell anyone who wants to use him about the late-dropping testicle. It does tend to run in lines and I don't want it in mine!

Re: undecended testicle

The boy has a gay tail so I wouldn't be using him for breeding anyways. Everything else on him was nice. But he will be neutered and placed in a pet home.

Re: undecended testicle

I thought "everything" ran in "lines".

Re: undecended testicle

A pup has up to 4-6 months to have his other testicle to drop. After 6 months, it is recommended to get the dog neutered after, to avoid cancer within the abdomen. Because the testicle might not be above the scrotum, but could be found in other areas of his body.

Re: undecended testicle

Has anyone tried to find an undescended testicle with an ultrasound? If the puppy had two at 8 weeks couldn't the second one just be above the inguinal ring and just waiting to come down?