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Bitch won't lick pups

I have a new litter, and the mom will allow them to nurse, but she will not pay any attention to them otherwise. She will not lick them, so of course, I'm having to stimulate them to get them to urinate and move their bowels. I've thought of trying to rub something yummy on them to encourage her to lick them. Has anyone tried this? If so, what did you use?

Re: Bitch won't lick pups

sometimes they just don't know what to do and they are tired. Try Peanut butter, dogs love that, She will get the hang of it soon enough Give mom a couple of tums.
our girl just had her 3rd litter and she is an experienced mom now, attentive. She delivered them all without assistance. All I had to do was dry them up some and weigh them. They are almost 4 weeks now and she is still cleaning up after them like she is is going to be following them around their whole life cleaning them up. Still willing to nurse them eagerly, The difference in the 1st litter and this last one is night and day.

Re: Bitch won't lick pups

Have you tried holding them up for her? I sit in a chair and hold a puppy vertically, belly out and tail down. The moms will usually come over to investigate and end up licking them.

Re: Bitch won't lick pups

A little peanut butter on their butts has worked like a charm for us.

I usually hold them up for her and it doesn't take long for her to get the idea.


Re: Bitch won't lick pups

I have tried holding the pups up to her. She sniffs them briefly and then turns her head. I tried peanut butter today. First I let her lick it off my fingers. Then I put some on a pup's back and let her lick it off. Finally put it on the tummy. She licked, the pup peed, and she jerked her head away. Sigh!

Re: Bitch won't lick pups

I guess it depends how old these babies actually are?

My own girl here was a terrible first time mom for the first week, and then maternal instinct kicked in and she was awesome. Another girl i had- first time - was terrified of her newborns - and was climbing into my lap with each one being born. she hid behind me and wouldn't clean them or go near them. After her whelping, she got taken out and brought back in, and it just kicked in. Almost couldn't get her out.

My opinion, by no means am i an expert, but i would also question her 'den' - is she alone, or is she withi you in your room, or a busy room in the house? does she get lots of time alone with them? maybe she is second guessing herself if you are right there doing it all for her? Maybe they are just so new and she is hormonal. sounds all is well otherwise, maybe just a few days she needs?

Just my thoughts.

Re: Bitch won't lick pups

Always a First Time
I have tried holding the pups up to her. She sniffs them briefly and then turns her head. I tried peanut butter today. First I let her lick it off my fingers. Then I put some on a pup's back and let her lick it off. Finally put it on the tummy. She licked, the pup peed, and she jerked her head away. Sigh!

Don't give up. Continue to use peanut butter or something else that she likes and offer her a tummy to clean. Put some on their little bottoms, too. Mom will get the hang of it eventually. Some take longer than others.

Re: Bitch won't lick pups

I actually have 2 females like that. I have tried it all ...... they do some cleaning/stimulating but not what is needed.The only solution for me is to do it myself. This means not great sleep for a while! The trade off is great looking dogs, nice producers, solid lines, good at whelping, nice pups, etc.