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Activity precautions after breeding

I've always been curious how other breeders determine how much activity their girls get in the days following a breeding. I generally keep mine rather isolated and quiet for a swimming during pregnancy. Common sense would dictate that very rough play with other dogs is a "no no" but is lots of running okay? Do you let the dog self-limit?
Thanks in advance for your thoughts!

Re: Activity precautions after breeding

Although my girls do not show after breeding takes place I do not change normal everyday activity at all. There is really no need. I still take them for car rides but no dog parks. Home is normal activity playing with the others. At 6 weeks gestation they no longer go in the car. It's the most susceptible time for the babies but still normal everyday playing and running around. They will let you know when they want and need to start slowing down.

Re: Activity precautions after breeding

Just curious, why no car rides?

Re: Activity precautions after breeding

Just curious, why no car rides?

They can't reach the peddles anymore

Re: Activity precautions after breeding

Re: Activity precautions after breeding

Just curious, why no car rides?

They can't reach the peddles anymore

Anna, I think you misunderstood the poster but the reply is humourous. They're laughing with you, not at you.

Oh my, there was a poster that said no car rides. at me now!

Re: Activity precautions after breeding

Go to this link. We do have dogs that drive. It's in print!

Re: Activity precautions after breeding

If they do not get regular exercize you are more likely to end up with a section. Keep them moderately exercized and fit.