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Naming new puppy

We are trying to come up with a solid AKC name for a new lab puppy. It needs to be patriotic. Can anyone come up with anything? Would appreicatate any suggestions. Thanks!

Re: Naming new puppy

We are trying to come up with a solid AKC name for a new lab puppy. It needs to be patriotic. Can anyone come up with anything? Would appreicatate any suggestions. Thanks!

Scott Brown!!

Re: Naming new puppy

How about... Kennelname Made In The USA

Re: Naming new puppy

Kennel name "Red, White and Bleautiful"

Re: Naming new puppy

Kennelname American Made
Kennelname Stars and Stripes

Re: Naming new puppy

Yankee Doodle Dandy
Star Spangled Banner

Re: Naming new puppy

Male or female?

Re: Naming new puppy

Female! And I have to chose a name soon, just been calling her puppy! LOL

Re: Naming new puppy

Betsy Ross

Re: Naming new puppy

I thought you were looking for a name to submit to the AKC, not a call name. Sire/Dam's names?

Re: Naming new puppy

Yes, sorry both. Parents are Power Paws Olivia and Sureshot Hyspire Impressive.

Re: Naming new puppy

How about Star Spangled Banner and 'Star' or 'Glory' (Old Glory) for pet names.

Re: Naming new puppy

Kennel Name's Lady Liberty
Call Name: Libby

Re: Naming new puppy

Love it!!!

Re: Naming new puppy

Love Lady Liberty!

I like Liberty Bell too (call her Belle or Liberty).

Re: Naming new puppy

Knl Name Dog Bless America. Call name Bess

Re: Naming new puppy

Love Lady Liberty!

I like Liberty Bell too (call her Belle or Liberty).

Or Libby-Libbie

Re: Naming new puppy

Ok... Thanks for all the suggestions.. I think we are going to go with Westwing's American Dream...but we still doing have a call name...ugh!

Re: Naming new puppy

How about "Livvy" Like livin the American Dream