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Proplan vs Innova.

I am feeding Proplan Preformance to 3 dogs and Proplan Senior to one. I see that the senior food is 28% protein and the preformance is 30. I am concerned that this is high. The reason I looked is I have one girl who is 8 and on Innova. I thought she should be on a senior food but the Innova is only 24% protein. The reason all are not on Innova is they eat poop if they are on it.

Re: Proplan vs Innova.

Ok, is it bad to feed higher protein to a senior dog? If so, why did IAMS make a big stink about making sure their senior dog food was higher in protein.

What is it? No one knows. The bag is misleading as heck. Those numbers on the bag are MINIMUMS. I saw a real scientific assay showing a food with 36% protein. The bag said 24% Min.

When will we learn. We need better labeling, better science and not better marketing.