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Litter Registration Coupon

I just noticed that my litter registration coupons expired a week ago. Is the breeder department offering any specials like the $20 per litter that just ended?

Re: Litter Registration Coupon

Hi Barbara,

I would highly encourage you to pick up the telephone and call down to friendly ol' North Carolina and speak to the AKC. It is my experience that when you speak to a real live person, you can most likely get an extension or a new coupon code for your litter.

Remember , it takes people.

Re: Litter Registration Coupon

AKC will still give out the $20 flat rate litter coupon. To get one you need to email They need your name, mailing address and and short explanation that you would like a coupon, they sent me a sheet of 4, and they are not transferable.
I just registered my 10 puppy litter for $20.00!

Re: Litter Registration Coupon

Thank you.
I only breed every year or two so have never been able use my coupons.
We are expecting a litter in the next few days.
I emailed AKC & they are sending me the coupon.

Re: Litter Registration Coupon

wow!! GREAT News since my bitch just had 12 puppies!!
thanks for the info!