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Judging Sweeps and Showing

I have a question for the judges out here. I will try to call AKC later.

I am judging sweeps for an upcoming Weim Specialty that is being held in conjunction with an all breed show. After I judge, can I show my Labs??

Re: Judging Sweeps and Showing

For sweeps you cannot show the same day that you judge. You would be able to show the next day or the day before though.

Re: Judging Sweeps and Showing

You may exhibit on another day at another show only if it is an event with a seperate show number. You also have to consider if you have socialized, dined etc. with the panel of judges if it would seem "appropriate", even if the specific rules do not address it. Use good sense and do the "proper" thing to avoid tongue wagging.

Re: Judging Sweeps and Showing

You certainly can show the next day. Especially since it is a different breed. That said,it is always best to not give even the appearance of impropriety.

Re: Judging Sweeps and Showing

Once you start judging no matter what you do there will be some tongue wagging. It's some show people's second hobby. What they will say is that as a member of the judging panel you were in contact with the judges "last night" and now you are showing under one of them. It is truly a no-win situation. The only way to avoid it is to not show at all at that circuit.

Re: Judging Sweeps and Showing

Per AKC the rule changed 1.1.09. I can't show on the day that I judge sweeps.