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So many meds for yeast infection?

My 2 1/2 year old lab has a yeast infection in both ears. The vet prescribed prednisone, ketoconazole, and mometamax ointment. I've used the mometamex before, never the others. I'm just concerned about giving him a steroid (prednisone). Especially since the first 2 days call for 2 doses. It's making him tired and thirsty.

Plus, this is a new vet. I'm afraid she's being overly aggressive with the treatment. His regular vet was on vacation.


Re: So many meds for yeast infection?

The purple solution works great for our girl with yeasty ears.

My vet recommended using it 2x/week and leave it in.(I use an eye dropper and only put in a small amount)

Clean 1-2 x/week on different days. In 4-6 weeks she was good to go. I use 1/3 water, 1/3 witch hazel, 1/3 white viniger.

I do scope her regularly to make sure she is not getting another problem.

ACV can help ward off yeast. When needed I give 1 tbsp daily in food with water added.

I don't blame you on the steroid. Assuming this is for itchy ears?: try Quercetin/Bromelain instead. Natural antihistimine. Works better than benedryl for my girls and safer IMO when needed long term.

I get mine at

Re: So many meds for yeast infection?

If your vet gave it, why not ask him/her? There's probably a reason.

Re: So many meds for yeast infection?

Vet said prednisone will make him more comfortable. She also said that she sometimes sedates a dog in order to completely clean the ears. I have never heard that before. Not to mention by dog was perfectly still and polite as she cleaned his ears. No way would I permit a sedation.

Re: So many meds for yeast infection?

Vet said prednisone will make him more comfortable. She also said that she sometimes sedates a dog in order to completely clean the ears. I have never heard that before. Not to mention my dog was perfectly still and polite as she cleaned his ears. No way would I permit a sedation.

Re: So many meds for yeast infection?

Patty, Do you use the Quercetin/Bromelain with or without Vitamin C and what dosage? My one lab has inhalant allergies and I don't like using Benadryl long term.

Re: So many meds for yeast infection?

Quercetin is not for long term use and it's not without side effects. Do a search and ask your vet before trusting the word of someone with out qualifications on a forum.

Re: So many meds for yeast infection?

A big thumbs up to the purple solution, I got a dog that her ears were almost swelled shut from such a bad infection, don't know whether it was a yeast problem or a bacteria problem but it works for both. Never had the problem again although I do treat ears about once a month. And you can mix enough of the stuff up to last forever it seems, and so economical.

Re: So many meds for yeast infection?

Is the "purple solution" the 1/3 water, 1/3 witch hazel, 1/3 white vinegar you mentioned?

Re: So many meds for yeast infection?

Did you do a search? I did Google it and I think this link sums it up I think I'm going to start taking it, if you're aware of anything negative please post it.

Re: So many meds for yeast infection?

After 45 years of keeping dogs mostly drop ear types,
I have always used a purple solution of alcohol, boric acid powder, gential violet and colloidal silver. It clears up the yeast or anything else in there that causes a problem. I always mixed up my own but ow I carry a product made by Liquid Health, same formula in a ready to use bottle. It is not expensive and I believe it works 100% of the time.
I never let a vet or anyone else stick anything in my dogs ears, I have heard horror stories of too much fiddling with ears.

Re: So many meds for yeast infection?

Before you go crazy with all these meds, try Zymox with hydrocortisone. I have had labs since the early '60s and have tried everything in the book. Even with the worst most goopy ears, Zymox has cleaned up my guy's ears with about a week of daily applications. It has worked better than all the prescription medications and home brews.

Re: So many meds for yeast infection?

I second the purple solution. I buy mine already made up. I actually put it on my old girl's feet...she has had yeast/allergy issues for years. She is 11 and it has just gotten worse over the years. My vet would prescribe steroid sprays, antibiotics, etc. But after so many years these things would not work well. Now every morning I rub some of the purple stuff on her feed and in between the has helped 100%. This is the best I have seen her feet look in years. Not to mention she feels so much better too. LOVE IT!

Re: So many meds for yeast infection?

Can this purple solution be use on a girl that we are fixing to breed or has already been bred saftly

Re: So many meds for yeast infection?

The purple solution works great for our girl with yeasty ears.

My vet recommended using it 2x/week and leave it in.(I use an eye dropper and only put in a small amount)

Clean 1-2 x/week on different days. In 4-6 weeks she was good to go. I use 1/3 water, 1/3 witch hazel, 1/3 white viniger.

I do scope her regularly to make sure she is not getting another problem.

ACV can help ward off yeast. When needed I give 1 tbsp daily in food with water added.

I don't blame you on the steroid. Assuming this is for itchy ears?: try Quercetin/Bromelain instead. Natural antihistimine. Works better than benedryl for my girls and safer IMO when needed long term.

I get mine at

What is Quercetin/Bromelain and ACV? I never heard of them.

I use acidopholous or plain yogurt to assist with yeast infections of any kind, with the okay of my vet. I adminster it if a bitch is on an antibiotic to avoid a vaginal yeast infection. I have used ketoconazole on prescription from my vet. He gives me a script so I always have it here.

OP, the Purple ear solution came from Lauraat Woodhaven. She keeps many articles on her site. Here is the link to it. You should bookmark it, she has lots of information there.

Please speak to your vet before doing anything other than prescribed. If you are uncomfortable with what he gave you, tell him. You might enlighten him about the Purple solution.

I also love the Purple solution but I asked my vet before using it. He had no problem with it.

Remember, if your dog is yellow it can stain the coat. If you'll be showing it can be a problem. If not, I would allow the staining. It will be gone soon enough. GL.

Re: So many meds for yeast infection?

Is the "purple solution" the 1/3 water, 1/3 witch hazel, 1/3 white vinegar you mentioned?

Read the Woodhaven site for the exact amount. That is a different amount of the ingredients!

Maria, you can't listen to everyone on here. Too many cooks can spoil the broth if you know what I mean.

Take the information to a new vet if you weren't happy with this vet.

The increments on Woodhaven are the correct ones. Some people make their own changed version. Woodhaven and their information is around along time and is correct.

If you're getting lots of emails, some people are bored and having nothing better to do then give medical advice without any credentials as someone stated.

Re: So many meds for yeast infection?

What if you used the mother hubbard organic red vinegar instead of the white vinegar in that sulution you speak of ? what makes it purple?

Re: So many meds for yeast infection?

What if you used the mother hubbard organic red vinegar instead of the white vinegar in that sulution you speak of ? what makes it purple?

This is the real recipe from Woodhaven.

16 oz. bottle isopropyl alcohol (or witch hazel)
4 tablespoons Boric Acid Powder
16 drops Gentian Violet 1% Solution

The Gentian Violet 1% is what makes it purple. That other recipe is someone elses I guess. Never heard of it before.

Re: So many meds for yeast infection?


For your information I did not change the version of the purple solution. And I gave the procedure recommended by my vet.

The recipe posted 1/3 water, 1/3 witch hazel, 1/3 w. viniger is for cleaning. Totally separate from the purple solution.

And to the poster * saying not to use Quercetin - I use it on the advice of a holistic vet. The bromelain also advised by vet is to help the uptake of the Q.

Care to post a link stating your points? I would be interested to read it.

Jane - Quercetin is a natural antihistimine that some use for allergies (during allergy season) for their dogs. Bromelain helps the uptake of Q. ACV is apple cider viniger.

Judy - I would not use the purple solution (gentian violet) on a pregnant or soon to be bred bitch without checking with your vet.

"Gentian violet also affected fertility and was deemed the cause of a high
rate of post-implantation mortality (either death or reabsorption of the

Lab Owner: I give C daily and use the Q/B right along with it (checked with the vet)