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Vet put dog on antibiotic, does anyone give anything extra?

My 12 month old bitch is on an antibiotic for 10 days, and I was wondering if anyone gives anything exra while their dogs are on an antibiotic? Anything to prevent UTI or yeast infection? Crancaps or anything?


Re: Vet put dog on antibiotic, does anyone give anything extra?

We give some yogurt with their food to help keep the good bacteria going.

Re: Vet put dog on antibiotic, does anyone give anything extra?

I give a live organism probiotic 2-3 hours away from the meds so the meds don't counteract it.

Once meds are finished, depending on the mg and length of time on them, I continue giving the probiotic for 2-4 weeks.

If she is prone to UTIs it can't hurt to give her crancaps to help prevent a problem. But otherwise don't see the necessity.

Re: Vet put dog on antibiotic, does anyone give anything extra?

Yuppers - do not give the meds with the yogurt/food!

Re: Vet put dog on antibiotic, does anyone give anything extra?

Some, if not all, antibiotics can cause stomach upset so best given in a meal.

I put the probiotic powder in a small bowl by itself 2-3 hours after the meal/meds any my girls lap it right up. If your dogs won't, put a plop of yogart or canned food on top of it.

While yogart has probiotic in it I don't feel it is as strong as a straight P. product. The one I use is 10 billion live organisms.

Re: Vet put dog on antibiotic, does anyone give anything extra?

One of my girls had her puppies on Tuesday via C-Section. She is on Clavamox for 10 days. This morning she was very engorged and hard so I spent the day with warm compresses,massaging her breasts and putting the strong nursers on the engorged nipples. She is starting to get some relief. Poor sweetie has been through so much I would hate for her to get a UTI or yeast infection on top of all this. Would you suggest Probiotic powder for her? Is that OK for her puppies? She is going really well and I want to make it easier for her if I can. Thank you for your help.

Re: Vet put dog on antibiotic, does anyone give anything extra?

Clavamox is used to kill the bacteria often associated with UTIs, so she should not get a UTI from taking Clavamox.
Yogurt does not contain most of the beneficial bacteria in a canine gut, it's best suited for people, not dogs. It doesn't hurt anything, but does not do much good in replacing the good bacteria wiped out by antibiotics.
Proviable by Nutramax is a very good product, with large numbers of beneficial bacteria in each capsule. It completely cured a chronic, non-specific diarrhea in my adult male in 3 days. Or you can use Probiocin, another good product. Always check with your vet before giving your dog anything, and you don't want to give the antibiotic and the probiotic together.

Re: Vet put dog on antibiotic, does anyone give anything extra?

Clavamox is used to kill the bacteria often associated with UTIs, so she should not get a UTI from taking Clavamox.
Yogurt does not contain most of the beneficial bacteria in a canine gut, it's best suited for people, not dogs. It doesn't hurt anything, but does not do much good in replacing the good bacteria wiped out by antibiotics.
Proviable by Nutramax is a very good product, with large numbers of beneficial bacteria in each capsule. It completely cured a chronic, non-specific diarrhea in my adult male in 3 days. Or you can use Probiocin, another good product. Always check with your vet before giving your dog anything, and you don't want to give the antibiotic and the probiotic together.

Robin, I never knew all of this. Thanks for posting it. I agree with you about asking the vet. The infrequent times I share my practices on here, I always tell the breeder to *check with their vet*. I wish most breeders would do the same. Some people go off half-cocked and race to the store not knowing the product can do nothing or be dangerous.