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things you need to show

Getting ready to start showing. I need a FULL LIST of what I need. Ex. cages, shoes?? Leashes. What do all of you have for yourselves and your Car???
How much money do you think it will run?

Re: things you need to show

I have a list made in Excel that I can print off and check it off as I pack. Here are the items you may need for an overnight trip/out-of-town show:
Alarm Clock
Blanket for ringside
Bleach water
Bottled Water for Me
Bucket for Pooper Scooper
Business cards
Camera & case
Car Crates
Cell phone & charger
Chair for ringside
Contacts & Cleaner, Case, Saline Solution
Crate Pads
Dinner Clothes
Dog Bowls
Dog Fans
Dog Food
Fan Batteries
First Aid kit for dog and me
Garbage bags
Hair Dryer/Mouse/Hair spray
Hotel Confirmation
Hotel Crates
Judging Program
Jugs of Water for Dogs
Locks for crates
Makeup & Lip Balm
Maps just in case a road gets closed/GPS
Medicine for diarrhea for the dog / other meds for me
Paper Towels
Plastic to put under crates in hotel room
Play Clothes
Poop bags
Pooper Scooper
Rain gear with boots
Ringside Crates
Scissors to cut zip-ties and plastic
Shampoo/Soap/Face Cleanser
Show Box - normal grooming items
Show Clothes
Show Leads
Spray water bottle for ringside
Sun Glasses
Sun Screen for me + Hand cream
Sun Screens and Clips for Van
Sun Visor
Underwear, slip, socks, and nylons
Water Buckets
X-Pens with clips to connect x-pens

I hope this helps - as far as the money, it isn't a cheap hobby but you can control certain expenses as far as the type of hotel you stay at, whether you choose to have a roommate/travel buddy, where you eat at, etc....

Re: things you need to show

Thanks Judy that is a great list. I have alot of shopping to do. I am a bargain shopper.. What do NOT SKIMP on.. What are the best cages???? Soft and for the car

Re: things you need to show

the most important thing- a good dog!

Re: things you need to show

A GOOD pair or two of shoes. Rubber soles!

Re: things you need to show

Extra pantyhose (if you are wearing a skirt), safety pins and a small sewing kit for last minute wardrobe malfunctions! :0)

Re: things you need to show

My biggest Ah,ha was rain gear. Always have rain gear. And a folding chair.

Re: things you need to show

They are called crates or kennels, not "cages"!

Re: things you need to show

Be nice! It is Friday for goodness sakes. Cages, crates...we all knew what the OP was talking about.

Re: things you need to show

Try for your crates (Midwest).

Re: things you need to show

"Stuff" happens. Remember to bring your 'entry confirmation' from the Show Superintendent with reference #. If there is any discrepency, you'll need this letter with reference #. You receive this info either in the mail or as an e-mail. A week prior to the show you'll get judge's name, ring #, catalog #, class & time.
And most importantly, a positive attitude!

Re: things you need to show

and bring a good pro handler

Re: things you need to show

Thick skin. Years of patience and a big bank account!

Re: things you need to show

A decent pair of shoes to wear for your 'WIN' pics. Nothing looks worse than a daggy pair of shoes stickin' out in the middle of the 'Win' photo