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muddy backyard

What do you guys use to trap the mud when the dogs come inside the house. It is driving me crazy having to mop paw prints several times a day.
I've used an old comforter I put down when it rains, but still mud makes its way in.

Re: muddy backyard

Gravel in the areas that they have created a mud/dirt path...really cuts down on the mud mess. Otherwise...I have a towel at the back door. They are taught to sit and wait for their paws to be wiped.

Time consuming but sure helps cut down on house work!!

Re: muddy backyard

When it is above freezing, I hose off their legs and towel dry them.. They are really good about it and line up to get done. It's kind of a game.

If it's too cold to run the hose, I take a pail of warm water out and put their legs in it.

It's time consuming, but sure cuts down on cleaning mud.

Re: muddy backyard

I also use a pail of water and a towel if they get muddy. For my sticky clay soil, it's faster and more complete than just a towel. We won't have to worry about that until at least March! The dogs learn the routine.

Re: muddy backyard

I hear you about the mud. It's so bad I can't wait for the grass to grow back. I just have a large door mat and they get crated for awhile. But I am always vacuuming the mat & their crates to try to cut down on the dirt dust which is also enough to drive me nuts

Re: muddy backyard

I'm a huge fan of pea stone/gravel .. I have about 25' of it outside the back door, and it helps to cut down on mud coming into the house. Like the other posters, I do the hose or the bucket of water and towel routine temperature dependant as needed .. once they know the drill, it's pretty easy and they wait their turn to have it done and get in the house.
But I have to say that the pea gravel really fits the bill ...

Re: muddy backyard

I hate the mud!

I was recently reading in the book 'Tricks of the Trade' that it is good to put down hay (not straw) on the muddy spots - will help keep the dogs clean, and the hay will reseed the ground. I am giving it a try so we shall see.

When I re-do and enlarge my fenced yard in a couple or so months we will be laying a gray brick 'patio' on each side of the gate. That should cut down on the mud, at least I hope so.

Valerie Taylor

Re: muddy backyard

Gail R
When it is above freezing, I hose off their legs and towel dry them.. They are really good about it and line up to get done. It's kind of a game.

If it's too cold to run the hose, I take a pail of warm water out and put their legs in it.

It's time consuming, but sure cuts down on cleaning mud.

I have a good friend that does exactly what you do Gail. It is time consuming. I go about 1/2 way, I take a mild soapy, old towel and wipe everyone down well. I then use another damp clear water towel per dog. Then put a path of old towels on the area their feet hit first. I get the majority of it. I also use another entrance to the home if it's real bad and I see my yellows are full of muck. I then go in there to clean up the muddy dogs. I have a slop sink in there, it makes it much easier.

Any way you do it, it's work either cleaning the dogs or floors. There's no easy way out of it, especially since precipitation-rain-snow has increased in the past several years almost everywhere.

Don't forget the additional laundry we have from cleaning the dogs before and after they enter.

Re: muddy backyard

Thanks for all the tips. I guess it comes with the territory.

Re: muddy backyard


I have done the hay thing. It's only temporary. If it's really rainy they just pound the hay right into the mud.

My dogs run back and forth with the dogs on the other side of the fence and it doesn't last long. It's a game they play and rather comical to watch but oh, the mud.

I would use stone, but I can't get a truck in there.