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NLR - What kind of cell phone do you prefer

Just wondered what the latest phone is and what some of you use. I'm thinking of switching service and getting a new phone to check emails etc.
I-pod, Blackberry, Droid, what do you use??

Re: NLR - What kind of cell phone do you prefer

my iPhone. IPhone users are not just happy with them, they LOVE them. Sure, there are a few who haven't figured out how wonderful the iPhones are, but they are the exception. iPhones rock!

Re: NLR - What kind of cell phone do you prefer


Re: NLR - What kind of cell phone do you prefer

First and foremost, I would worry about service. All the fancy phones in the world are worthless without good service- and that's especially true for the "smartphones". Make sure you read all the fine print too- and yes, it might take a little time, research, and digging but nothing is exactly like what they say on the commercials. If you live in an area where it's not a concern, then move onto phones...

As far as phones, I currently have the Droid Eris (HTC version) and love it. I've had a Blackberry in the past. It was nice, but I grew to absolutely loathe the trackball (and, yes, the Eris has one too, but I don't have to use it). I've also tried out a Palm Pixi (Sprint) and I liked it but there were service variations in my area (i.e. we're just outside of the metro and in constant roaming with Sprint). I absolutely love the idea of being able to multi-task (like on the computer) and, so far, the Eris does it fairly nicely.

One thing to consider, and it is pretty minute compared to more important things such as service quality, is what kind of applications you use the most. For example, the one and only thing that I could possibly knock the Droid for is that it is a Google based phone and, while it is almost completely social network equipped (Facebook, Twitter, etc.), it's not Yahoo friendly. That means that, not only did I have to set up a Google email for my phone's profile (an additional email account I really didn't want), but I have to visit Yahoo's mobile website to get my email and I had to download a 3rd party app to run my Yahoo IM. Not huge problems in the grand scheme of things since it all works in the end, but things to consider...

We've had (or looked into) just about every cell service, so if you have questions about a specific one(s), feel free to email me. Good luck!

Re: NLR - What kind of cell phone do you prefer

Blackberry Storm

Re: NLR - What kind of cell phone do you prefer

Just got the Verizon Droid. Spectacular!!!

Re: NLR - What kind of cell phone do you prefer

Just got the Verizon Droid. Spectacular!!!
Me too. I'm switching from the BB Storm to the Motorola Droid on Verizon. It should land on Monday.

Re: NLR - What kind of cell phone do you prefer

I have had an HTC smart phone for years and love it.I am looking at upgrading to the new LG Expo from ATT. Good camera, QWERTY keyboard, Wi-Fi, all the major features and a Windows Mobile OS so I can run my Office apps. Iphone, Palm and Google OS are not office friendly

Re: NLR - What kind of cell phone do you prefer

hubby and i used the blackberry. i changed to a palm pre, and him to the iphone. for what we do with our phones, we didn't care for them, they just weren't for us. so we are both back to the blackberry. have the new bolds in them!

Re: NLR - What kind of cell phone do you prefer

DROID! Fabulous!

Re: NLR - What kind of cell phone do you prefer

iPhone, and I've tried them all - Blackberry, Palm, LG, etc. The worst ever was the LG. The touch calibration was horrible - would not calibrate accurately and therefore you could NOT dial or input a phone number. My iPhone absolutely rocks. I get my comcast email can surf the net using Safari - and the apps are amazing.

Re: NLR - What kind of cell phone do you prefer

I would marry my Iphone if it was legal. Oh, I forgot- I'm already married. It does lots of things better than my husband, though, first and foremost-DIRECTIONS TO GET PLACES! Plus lots of fun and useful apps.