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question about optigen application form for a puppy

I am working with a freind over seas to do an optigen test on some of her lab puppies. We were hoping to get in on the optigen discount days they have offered this coming week from jan 25-29. If we complete the form for the optigen test on -line this week. We will have up to 30 days to send the blood samples to optigen, from the day we do the online form and payment this coming week .
I guess my freind will not be able to get the actuall registery number on each pupp till they are 8 wks old. We will want to draw blood on the few chosen puppies before 8 wks old after they are microchipped, and send to optigen . Can we skip putting the # registered number of the pup, on that appliction and still send it in ? I know I asked Becky at optigen about the microchip , and she said that we can have it put in the pup at time of blood draw, which wont be till 6-7 wks old. So she said to put in that area on form, the letters, ( TBD ) to be done at blood draw .
In order for us to get in on the litter price and the discount days code # price which would be $101.25 each we must draw blood before for 30 days from monday .
So Im looking for help if possible. We want to send in about 4 litter mate samples . Any help would be appreciated. Send me an email at .
Here is the sample optigen application


Re: question about optigen application form for a puppy

Not positive about the reg. #, as I had mine. But did want to let you know, you can do cheek swabs now for Optigen, much less stressful on the puppies!

Re: question about optigen application form for a puppy

Do use cheek swabs, you would need to keep each puppy isolated away from the sibling, the dam and any other dogs. Drawing blood from puppies is not traumatic and it would guarantee there would be no contamination.

Re: question about optigen application form for a puppy

I would think the best person to ask about this is Becky - and you have already talked to her. I don't understand what you are asking, I guess.

Re: question about optigen application form for a puppy

Well I had talked with Becky on the phone earlier in the week and did not ask about the do or dont requirement on a young puppy and the # registery number of that said puppy. If we must have it on the online form when we prepare to send out with blood sample. there is a place on that form to fill out the number. If we draw the blood on the pups at say 6-7 weeks old we will NOT have a Registery number on the pup yet. The freind of mine can not submit for registering a puppy in her country till the puppy is 8 wks old. So we would not have the number on any puppy till then to include on the form .We also must send in the blood and form with in 30 days of paying for the optigen tests because we are participating in the discount days this coming week.
I didnt ask Becky, because I wasnt aware of it till last nite when we were looking over the forms online.
I was hoping just to learn sooner this weekend as I wont be able to ask her personally till next mon/ tues if she responds to my call again.We will have a major saving by participating in this discount days clinic optigen is offering . I appreciate the help though .