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Good sign?

Just did a breeding on my girl 2 and a half weeks ago. She went out to pee and had a discharge stuck to her tail. It looked like egg whites, stringy and clear. Is this a good sign she is pregnant? I didn't think this should happen this early on.

Re: Good sign?

Newer to breeding
Just did a breeding on my girl 2 and a half weeks ago. She went out to pee and had a discharge stuck to her tail. It looked like egg whites, stringy and clear. Is this a good sign she is pregnant? I didn't think this should happen this early on.

It's a good sign.

Re: Good sign?

I know that a light brownish milky discharge at that time is usually a sign of impantation of eggs. Not heard of clear, though. but is is sticky.

Re: Good sign?

Get ready , your about to me a MUM !

Re: Good sign?

That's what I was hoping!
I wish somewhere the info on early signs of pregnancy it would say that is one of the signs. In all the literature I have found it only says, mammory development, lethargy, appetite decreased and possible morning sickness.

Re: Good sign?

I posted two weeks ago about the discharge from my girl post breeding. Well I took her in for an ultrasound today (day 28) from ovulation and no puppies. :-(((
Her boobs are big and saggy and she is acting pregnant. I did everything I was supposed to during the breeding phase. Any thoughts?

Re: Good sign?

I'm assuming you progesterone tested and had the correct insemination date.

Was the semen extended? What volume?

Was this an older stud? Just because sperm count and motility are there, sperm from older studs are sometimes unable to penetrate the egg.

I'm so sorry she didn't take.

Re: Good sign?

Yes, progesterone tested her to 6.6ng. Bred her two days later, then two days again.
It was a side by side A.I. with one of my own stud dogs. He had never been bred before so I took both of them to my vet. The collection was great and the vet said it looked good. This is the second time I have tried to use him and the first bitch never took either. Should I have him examined? Any suggestions?