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Could the Seizure actually be EIC?

I am just wondering because seizures typically don't happen so young, if some of the seizures reported in the young puppies could actually be EIC? Could a pet family be playing the puppy real hard and end up with a collapse and not seizure at all?

Re: Could the Seizure actually be EIC?

Simple enough to figure out by testing the pup for EIC.

Re: Could the Seizure actually be EIC?

I am just wondering because seizures typically don't happen so young, if some of the seizures reported in the young puppies could actually be EIC? Could a pet family be playing the puppy real hard and end up with a collapse and not seizure at all?

It could happen but I sincerely doubt it. Seizures are much more common then EIC collapses in Labbies.

Reading that post and replies, I realized there are younger seizing Labs then I was ever aware of. I never heard of seizing pups under 1 year before yesterday. After talking to a few breeders last night and early today, the ones that have had seizures did have some 6 mo. pups seizing also. It is very sad and a disease we need to erradicate from the breed. The only way that can happen is if blood is sent in. With a test finally being worked on, I can't understand why there isn't more blood sent in. We know that seizures have been a problem with Labbies for many generations.

EIC collapsing dogs can be controlled figuring out how much exercise they can tolerate. Seizing dogs will seize no matter what exercise is involved in their lives.

Going back years, there have been dogs that have seized right in the show ring. I saw it happen twice but heard about more. I don't know how many of you recall what I do.

Re: Could the Seizure actually be EIC?

No, this is a seizure the glazed over, head bobbing-this is how mine started at 5 mos-took her to a top neuro guy back then. There is a condition in Dobes that is seen- "head bobbing" which doesn't always equate into epil.
My girl went from head bobbing to grand mal seizures to grand mal cluster seizures. It was so sad but we loved her until we had to put her down at 12 when the meds could no longer control the seizures. Back then I knew of two others that other families had-one started at 6 mos, one at 8mos. When they start this young it is a long road ahead with many heartaches.

Re: Could the Seizure actually be EIC?

I unfortunately had a very young puppy with seizures. As time went on half the litter was affected. Most didn't begin until two or three years of age but the first to start was only 12 weeks old at the age of onset. She stopped seizing for over a year, after having several as a puppy, but then started up again.

Re: Could the Seizure actually be EIC?

Back in the early 80's I had littermate brother and sister that had hypoglycemic seizures as puppies. At a year and a half they began having epileptic seizures. I read that this progression was a common occurrence in seizing labs.