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Diarrea in Pups

I noticed my week old pups were a little loose earlier today, and now they are downright runny. Mom is fine. Vet, of course, is closed. What can I give to otherwise healthy babies to stop the runs?

Re: Diarrea in Pups


You may have to order it.

Are they too warm?
Are they overeating?
Either of these two things can cause it.

Re: Diarrea in Pups

This is about the age when the pups are suckling very efficiently and the dam can really be ramping up milk production in response to their demand; they can get loose for a few days till they adjust to the milk flow/amount.

Re: Diarrea in Pups

I'm sure they aren't too hot, but they are nursing almost around the clock, so that's probably the issue. The bitch looks like a milk cow right now. How much Bene-Bac per pup or per weight? Last time I looked they had little tubes of it at the petstore.

Re: Diarrea in Pups

Try the benebac - there are instructions on the tube.

Re: Diarrea in Pups


You may have to order it.

Are they too warm?
Are they overeating?
Either of these two things can cause it.

Bene-bac is wonderful for pups and Mum. I keep extra with a good expiration date because it's expensive in most stores if they carry it. Better to order it prior to a litter just in case. We almost always hit a couple of days of loose stools.

Re: Diarrea in Pups

How are the puppies doing today?

Re: Diarrea in Pups

The pups are actually worse. The stool is loose enough that it's coming out without help from Mom, and it appears that they all have it. They are all still vigorous and active, but I'm worried. Of course, the petstore is out of benebac and the vet is closed. Can I give the pups any OTC people medication?

Re: Diarrea in Pups

maybe try a good human probiotic? kaolin? yogurt?

Re: Diarrea in Pups

I don't know where you are located, but we are having our January thaw. When it rains, thaws, or is in any way muddy where the dogs go, coccidia start reproducing. Any dog that isn't already immune to the particular coccidia in your yard will get diarrhea. The pups get it because mom carries it in on her body (unless you give her a complete bath every time she comes in!) I give 1/8 tsp Tylan in a gallon of water for the mother's drinking water, and for the pups I make the water 1/4 tsp per gallon and mix 2 cc with 1 cc Karo syrup, and give each pup about a cc two or three times a day, stopping when the stool is normal. Your vet can also prescribe Albon - just don't waste time or money doing fecal tests. They have a high rate of false negatives and you want to stop diarrhea in its tracks in babies. Albon or Tylan won't hurt and will most likely help. Hope that's what this is! Good luck!

Re: Diarrea in Pups

You can get Corid at the feeds. It treats coccidia. That's probably what the puppies have.

Re: Diarrea in Pups

You need to have them nurse once every 2 hours or so, not constantly. Get mom out for a break to make this happen. Constant overeating will deplete the bile and then you will have some issues. Let them get their fill once every 2 hours. How many pups are there? If it is a small litter, there may just be too much milk at this time. It will take a few days to adjust milk production to demand, so make sure you are checking Mom for mastitis. If this is loose yellow stool it is overeating. If it is stinky brown, take a stool sample in.
Don't assume it is a parasite or bacteria until you have it checked.