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Would You call this a Show Quality Dog?

Hi, I purchased a puppy a while back from a Supposedly reputable breeder. The puppy is now almost 6 months old. Around the age of 3 months she began to develop a large amount of white on her abdominal are just behind her vagina infront of her nipples. From what I have read on ACK breed standard this would disqualiy her from showing as the amount has grown to the size of my palm, would it not? I contacted the breeder and basically she told me there was nothing wrong with how the dog looked I even sent her pictures. I talked with a lady who has been mentoring me in my conversion to what I call a true labrador and she said I should get rid of the puppy. I am new to conformation type dogs I used to breed the American style Labradors and I am trying really hard to have nice dogs and improve the breed not deminish it right now I am Looking for some nice show quality females and have had gotten rid of all of my American style dogs, so it is not like I am not trying to do the right thing. Any answers would be appreciated

Re: Would You call this a Show Quality Dog?

Not to be rude but ACK probably won't care. I don't think the AKC will care much either, especially if it's underneath and out of sight.

Re: Would You call this a Show Quality Dog?

Maybe AKC wouldn't care, but what about the next generation? I certainly would care.

Re: Would You call this a Show Quality Dog?

HMM... Thanks for the advice I know I spoke with a judge who belongs to my kennel club and he told me that if that were seen she would be disqualified and if she were excused from the show ring 3 times that she would be banned from AKC shows and I did not want that embarrassment for me or the dog since I am trying to establish myself and maitain the integrity of the breed. I also know from breeding dogs that coloration like that can and will pass on to the puppies and I would not want someone else to have to deal with that same issue.

Re: Would You call this a Show Quality Dog?

I would be interested in seeing pictures since "a lot" is very subjective. I have seen white hairs underneath the dog that as long as it is not visible from the side or top, to not be of concern. But again, that's why I'd like to see pictures. I would be better able to give my opinion after seeing the pics. My email is included.

Re: Would You call this a Show Quality Dog?

Looks like this puppy is listed as available to a pet home on your web page, so apparently the decision was already made?

Re: ABSOLUTELY, this is a show quality puppy.

A large amount of white on the stomach area? as there is not much fur on the stomach I assume you mean the longer belly hairs are white. My foundation bitch had white hairs in that area but she was such a gorgeous girl that I kept her anyway. She did really well at the specialties and in the 4 litters that she had, NEVER passed this onto any of her pups.
I went to your website and took a look at your puppy that you are placing. You are stacking her wrong but even though you are forcing her to look bad, she is a very very nice puppy with a nice, workable pedigree and if she were standing squarely, I bet she would be very balanced. She has good bone and a nice front and appears to have a wrapped tail. I think that your "friends" are giving you bad advise here and you are jumping the gun and placing a good puppy.

Re: Would You call this a Show Quality Dog?

I have a young male with the same pedigree (different litter) as your pup's Dam. He has some white hairs among the long hairs in the groin area and a small white mark on the chest. None of this has been a problem at all in showing him and it doesn't bother me at all. Of course yours might look quite different but hard to say without a picture of the area in question. Try stacking her with the front legs vertical and the hind feet under the base of the tail - not so stretched out.

Re: ABSOLUTELY, this is a show quality puppy.

A large amount of white on the stomach area? as there is not much fur on the stomach I assume you mean the longer belly hairs are white. My foundation bitch had white hairs in that area but she was such a gorgeous girl that I kept her anyway. She did really well at the specialties and in the 4 litters that she had, NEVER passed this onto any of her pups.
I went to your website and took a look at your puppy that you are placing. You are stacking her wrong but even though you are forcing her to look bad, she is a very very nice puppy with a nice, workable pedigree and if she were standing squarely, I bet she would be very balanced. She has good bone and a nice front and appears to have a wrapped tail. I think that your "friends" are giving you bad advise here and you are jumping the gun and placing a good puppy.

I'm not sure if the lighter hairs on her underside is just the shine from the sun/angle of the photo, but where the explanation of the white is at, I surely can't see it in the photo. I agree, it's a nice pup and would definitely hang on to her as show potential. One thing I've notice is blacks that carry chocolate (or from a chocolate pedigree) often have white hair in the groin area. I've had many over the years and from different pedigrees.

I certainly would not concern myself with something "cosmetic" like that if the dog is otherwise healthy and looks to have a great deal of potential.

Just my opinion,

Dianne Mullikin, EMT-B
Los Angeles, CA

Re: ABSOLUTELY, this is a show quality puppy.

This is very common and nothing to worry about.

Re: Would You call this a Show Quality Dog?

When I went to your web site there was one thing I noticed... It looks like you are breeding a yellow to a chocolate. I know this is off topic to your original post and I only mean this in the most constructive way but that is something you may want to re-consider...

Re: ABSOLUTELY, this is a show quality puppy.

Yes that pup you have their as available does not look that bad at all compared to what you have been breeding shown on your website. I would say you have gotten what you are looking for, an improvement. Newbies have a tendency to find one little thing wrong with their new prospects and they think it is the end all.

It is not good ethics to come onto this forum with the intent to bash a breeder. You should try to work out your problems privately. You are lucky a breeder took a chance on you to sell you a show prospect after seeing what you are breeding.

Re: Would You call this a Show Quality Dog? All who responded Please read

Like I said Originally I am and have finally began correcting and eliminating the dogs that are not of breed standard. If you look at my site you will see only the puppies from a male and female that I have for sale which was some of my dogs that I origninally owned before getting into what I call now a proper lab. Actually I am in the Process of updating my website and these two dogs will be for sale as well. Like I said I am trying to adhere to breed standard. I thank all of you for the advice on the black female. when that picture was taken I had not learnt how to handle a dog properly yet (I just finished a handling class so now I Know for those criticizing that). I know that she is a nice Bitch other than the white my concern was that since she had the white on her that she would be excused from the ring. If the majority of you think not then I may very well try her in a show first before considering selling her again.

Re: Would You call this a Show Quality Dog? All who responded Please read

I don't know how many puppies I have had with white in their coats. They have ALL lost that white when they blew their puppy coats. At 5 months I doubt that she has


Did not intend to make trouble just wanted another opinion of the Bitch as I really am fond of her and think that she is a nice dog other than the white issue. Since I am new to Conformation shows I wanted to get feed back from those more experienced than myself and who also would have an outside perspective on the situation that is all. Thank you for your comment and to be honest who ever you are with an attitude like that who ever said I would buy from you.

Re: ???

If you are talking about a solid patch of white, that would worry me. If you are talking about white hairs sprinkled over that area, I would say that is VERY common and not a problem at all.

Re: ???

It is or should I say has turned into almost a solid patch in a rectangular shape. I had no intention to come on here to start any trouble for any reason. I justlike I said wanted to eliminate all doubt from my mind before continuing to have her posted on my site for sale. Like I said I have grown very attached to her and she has been trained for conformation and behaves very well. My mentor is flying in this coming month for a visit and will look at her in person then.

Re: ???

I would run her on, until somebody who knows better looks at her. She is a nice little girl.Maybe bring her to the Piedmont next month and have someone eval her for you.

Re: Would You call this a Show Quality Dog?

When I went to your web site there was one thing I noticed... It looks like you are breeding a yellow to a chocolate. I know this is off topic to your original post and I only mean this in the most constructive way but that is something you may want to re-consider...

Matt, I'm sorry to disagree with your opinion about breeding yellow to chocolate. There is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING WRONG *IF* you know what you are doing. I think is one of the biggest reason we have seen an increase in the quality of our chocolates today and that is breeders who are knowledgeable about bringing in "non-chocolate" lines to improve type.

I love looking at an outstanding chocolate dog only to see a nontraditional pedigree of some of the top contributing dogs of ALL colors back there.

I have a lovely chocolate girl who does not carry yellow. I will be breeding her to a lovely yellow import on her next heat cycle. He carries chocolate. Why? Because I love his pedigree and his qualities. It's just a bonus that he carries chocolate. The puppies will black and chocolate and the blacks will all carry yellow and chocolate. When I breed those puppies it will be either a black or yellow not carrying chocolate or to a black or chocolate not carrying yellow. Those pups can all be DNA'd to determine from there, what colors they may carry.

I think that many people are still afraid to mix the two colors because they are concerned about getting yellows without the proper black pigment (eebb). But let me tell you, I'd much rather breed an eebb that can be a sound pet than to breed a dog that is unsound and can't function as a pet.

Just today at a dogshow a good friend of mine who is cobreeding this litter with me got chastised by another breeder who found and said she was going to have a "disaster on her hands by doing this breeding". At first my friend was like wow is there some genetic disorder I'm not aware about in the lines? But no this breeder told my friends that she was going to produce chocolates that carried yellow! OMG what a horrible disaster! LOL

At any rate, there are several lovely Ycs that I know of out there producing lovely puppies and the most well known Cy I can think of in recent history that made some very lovely puppies is Ch. Belgairn Tom Jones. In fact he is the grandsire of the bitch I will be breeding. And no she doesn't carry yellow as her first litter was sired by a By and no yellow puppies were in the litter.

Ok, enough of my opinion for one afternoon. Time to go play with my girl since she is here for a little visit.

Dianne Mullikin, EMT-B
Los Angeles, CA

Re: Definately A Show Quality Puppy

You mentioned that after a phone conversation with your mentor they advised you to place this puppy.
I would be having my doubts about the experience of this mentor if this was their advise before they actually saw the puppy. Experienced breeders are VERY reluctant to place a nice puppy, especially with a nice pedigree. Newer breeders make this mistake all the time. No such thing as perfection, so if you get a good pup with good structure, coat, look to have nice type and a good pedigree you are way head of the game. HOLD tight for a few more months. Also, I don't know of any judge getting on their bellies to look under our puppies
Take your puppy to Lab Breeder judges. Both you and she will have a much better experience and they will recognize her quality. Best of luck

Re: Would You call this a Show Quality Dog?

Dianne, thank you for that explanation and you are right, a EEbb x eeBb would only produce black & chocolate with no Dudleys (eebb). I also agree that a Dudley can still be a wonderful pet. I was not sure if the OP was aware of this from his puppies and I was coming from the mind set that the only reason to breed is "for the betterment of the breed" hopefully producing superior get than the sire & dam. If you are producing better chocolates and no eebb's then it makes sense to me. But, I am here to learn as well and was only trying to offer a constructive comment - I do appreciate your explanation!

To the original poster, don't be defensive - you need a thick skin here. I don't think you were trying to "breeder bash" but since you said "supposedly reputable breeder" and it is clear from the puppy's pedigree who you are referring to it could easily be seen that way. The bottom line is that nobody can really answer your question without seeing a photo of what you are talking about. I am surprised that it is getting bigger instead of smaller and a solid patch is different from some white hairs but beyond that who can say without seeing it. If you love her then give it a while...

Re: ???

Get another opinion. Judges don't know everything and all rounders are seldom aware of the finer points. If you're serious about building a new kennel of bench bred Labradors, you need to know from the beginning that you'll never breed the perfect dog. By "throwing out" a pretty bitch with a little white on her stomach, you'll only get something else to worry about with the next one....that is if you're lucky enough to get the chance to have another one. The worst thing new breeders can do is continue to place a dog because it's not perfect thinking they'll get a perfect one next time. Wish it worked that way, but it doesn't.

Re: ???

More than likely you spoke with an all breed judge, rather than a breeder judge. Finishing a Labrador is a dream that alot of newbies never realize, so my advice is to start having some fun with this bitch at puppy matches or maybe another fun venue, she has a very reasonable pedigree , and stop breeding untill you have more knowledge about what you should be looking for.
If you think anyone else will sell you are bitch outright you are sadly mistaken, co-ownerships with lots of controls are the norm in this breed.

Re: ???

I've seen the picture now and there is absolutely nothing wrong here. My male from the same line as your dam had the same white hairs in the groin and it is not an issue. Hang on to her, or sell her to me!

Re: Would You call this a Show Quality Dog?

When I went to your web site there was one thing I noticed... It looks like you are breeding a yellow to a chocolate. I know this is off topic to your original post and I only mean this in the most constructive way but that is something you may want to re-consider...

Thats just crazy! There is nothing wrong with breeding a chocolate to a yellow if you do the proper research and you feel as though its the best match for your bitch.

Re: Would You call this a Show Quality Dog?

Do you have all the clearances done on you dogs?

Re: Would You call this a Show Quality Dog?

When I went to your web site there was one thing I noticed... It looks like you are breeding a yellow to a chocolate. I know this is off topic to your original post and I only mean this in the most constructive way but that is something you may want to re-consider...

Thats just crazy! There is nothing wrong with breeding a chocolate to a yellow if you do the proper research and you feel as though its the best match for your bitch.

Okay, okay! We covered that earlier and as long as one knows what one is doing it is fine. One of the pups on the OP's web site looked like it might be eebb but I'm sure I'm wrong. And yes, I'm sure a dudley can be a good pet...

Re: Would You call this a Show Quality Dog?

When I went to your web site there was one thing I noticed... It looks like you are breeding a yellow to a chocolate. I know this is off topic to your original post and I only mean this in the most constructive way but that is something you may want to re-consider...

Thats just crazy! There is nothing wrong with breeding a chocolate to a yellow if you do the proper research and you feel as though its the best match for your bitch.

Key words here are "if you know what you are doing" obviously the OP does not know what they are doing. Keep the black puppy bitch and sell the rest of your dogs and start over.

Re: Would You call this a Show Quality Dog?

To be honest I am a nurse and I even when breeding my gun dogs bred by genetics to improve the puppies qualities off of the parents genes. Dianne thanks for pointing that out to others I was going to be polite and not get into all of that but thanks.

Re: Would You call this a Show Quality Dog?

Apparently you can not read I only own those two adults that are on my website everything else I have I have just recently purchased and ALL Of them ARE of quality and substance according to breed standard! NONE of them are as yet old enough for breeding. The two adults that are on my site will be for sell as pets shortly . The puppies that I have on my site for sell are pet quality only and come with a spay neuter contract! Even before I changed over all of my puppies that I ever sold were with spary neuters. Thanks

Re: ???

Just thought you would know I will be at Peidmont showing my two six month olds Allie and Miles they are brother and sister beautiful yellows with excellent pedigrees I am not handling them as I do not feel very confident in the ring yet but my mentor will be handling them for me. She will also be evaluating my black female in person as of right now the evals have been done via pics. Hope to see you there

Re: Would You call this a Show Quality Dog?

Hollow Acres (Kayla)
To be honest I am a nurse and I even when breeding my gun dogs bred by genetics to improve the puppies qualities off of the parents genes.

uhh??? lol, OP do the Labrador breed a favor and place all your other dogs in nice pet homes.

Re: ???

I currenly own several nice puppies with excellent pedigrees I will have my website completly updated before The Piedmont show in Feb and all of my Dogs that I own will be on there with their pedigrees. I currently co-own an adult female with a lady who has an okay pedigree but is built sound. I also am in the process of co-owning a puppy with my mentor and this puppy has an outstanding pedigree. Like I said I am still learning. The dogs that I had bred I bred for the reason that the stud and the dam are excellent hunters and my brother wanted two puppies as pets out of that litter. I have never claimed to sell show or breeder quality puppies. I do have champion sire and used to have champion status GUN dogs that is all.

Re: Would You call this a Show Quality Dog?

OK, OP... I don't want to get too personal here, but you chose to air your dirty laundry on this forum and also attach your own website to your post so I have to assume you asked for this.

When I went to your web site there was one thing I noticed... It looks like you are breeding a yellow to a chocolate. I know this is off topic to your original post and I only mean this in the most constructive way but that is something you may want to re-consider...

Thats just crazy! There is nothing wrong with breeding a chocolate to a yellow if you do the proper research and you feel as though its the best match for your bitch.

Key words here are "if you know what you are doing" obviously the OP does not know what they are doing. Keep the black puppy bitch and sell the rest of your dogs and start over.

There is a picture of their dudley puppy on the front page of their website so clearly they did not do the proper research to avoid this pairing.

I would personally be much more concerned about producing labradors that lacked black pigment than a little patch of white on the underbelly.

OP, you phrase your original post like you are questioning if your breeder was reputable because of the white spot on your puppy. For me the bigger issue would be selling a pup on full registration to a family who has been breeding their pets and selling them online. At least your buyers can pay by paypal. That's a huge plus for your credibility.

Tell me....what clearances or titles did your breeding pair have that made you decide this was the best breeding for you to better the breed? (as you suggest you are doing on your website)

I don't know who you bought your black pup from, but she is clearly a step up for you.

You say you are new to "conformation type dogs" yet you mentioned nothing about competing with your puppy in the ring. Was it your plan to show this puppy, earn her CH and then choose a suitable stud for her or was it simply your plan to get into "conformation type dogs" who will never step a foot onto a showground?

Re: ???

Matt I will keep that in mind Like I said my mentor will be staying with me for the Piedmont show Feb. 13 & 14th I am going to let her be the final say in this matter as she is well respected in the Labrador community and out of respect for her I will not name her in this forum but she has over 30 years of experience and I trust in her fully.

Re: Would You call this a Show Quality Dog?

Yes I have Like I said I am in the process of updating my website so a great deal if information is missing or incorrect (changed who I had doing my site)

Re: ???

Kayla, just to be clear, the last post wasn't mine. I think you have the right intentions and hopefully are in good hands with your mentor. Good luck with your new puppies.

Re: ???

Hollow Acres (Kayla)
Matt I will keep that in mind Like I said my mentor will be staying with me for the Piedmont show Feb. 13 & 14th I am going to let her be the final say in this matter as she is well respected in the Labrador community and out of respect for her I will not name her in this forum but she has over 30 years of experience and I trust in her fully.

You don't want to mention your mentor, but do not mind bashing your breeder.... uhmmm . I would be scared if I would be that mentor. She might get bashed as well if the puppy gets a hair out of place.
By the way, that mentor can't be so good when she told you to get rid of the puppy without a hands on evaluation. I guess we will know who she is when we see her handling your puppies, or we see your co-own dogs.

Re: Would You call this a Show Quality Dog?

Naaaah -- get rid of her. When can I come by & pick her up????

Re: ABSOLUTELY, this is a show quality puppy.

never intended to bash anyone I asked a question and used no names what so ever Thank You all for your comments both helpful and just plain ignorant they were all helpful. Like I said I plan on furthering the breed and the dogs that I own that are not of quality I know need to go and they are on the way out the door. Some of you that have been around a while know everyone has to start from something and somewhere and I look at the dogs that I have had in the past as a stepping stone in my learing what a Correct Labrador is. I in no way harbor any Ill feelings to the breeder of my black female and have not once said anything rude or disrespectful about that person in any of my comments if you will read. I hope all of you have great success with your dogs as I plan to do the same with mine and will continue to improve the quality of my animals as the years continue. For those of you who will be attending the Piedmont show I hope to meet you there and you will clearly be able to see that I am improving the breed when you meet my two six month old dogs. I invite those of you who have looked at my site today to return at the begining of Feb when I will be finished with all of my updates and you will be able to view what my kennel has become and some of the beautiful puppies I am raising. With all being said I sincerely hope that when my mentor comes that she looks at the black Bitch and says well that area does not look like it did in the photos and if that is the case then I will show her the next available show. Thanks Again God Bless,

Re: Would You call this a Show Quality Dog?

Hollow Acres (Kayla)
Yes I have Like I said I am in the process of updating my website so a great deal if information is missing or incorrect (changed who I had doing my site)

We will be waiting.

Re: Would You call this a Show Quality Dog?

The OP states she is now breeding better dogs. However, she has a pet litter on the ground now?? I don't think you can make the transition from BYB to show breeder while still breeding your old stuff to make a few bucks at the same.
Oh and can't wait to see who this "mentor" is!! Ha!!

Dianne, thank you for that explanation and you are right, a EEbb x eeBb would only produce black & chocolate with no Dudleys (eebb). I also agree that a Dudley can still be a wonderful pet. I was not sure if the OP was aware of this from his puppies and I was coming from the mind set that the only reason to breed is "for the betterment of the breed" hopefully producing superior get than the sire & dam. If you are producing better chocolates and no eebb's then it makes sense to me. But, I am here to learn as well and was only trying to offer a constructive comment - I do appreciate your explanation!

To the original poster, don't be defensive - you need a thick skin here. I don't think you were trying to "breeder bash" but since you said "supposedly reputable breeder" and it is clear from the puppy's pedigree who you are referring to it could easily be seen that way. The bottom line is that nobody can really answer your question without seeing a photo of what you are talking about. I am surprised that it is getting bigger instead of smaller and a solid patch is different from some white hairs but beyond that who can say without seeing it. If you love her then give it a while...

Re: Would You call this a Show Quality Dog?

This is not the place to ask that kind of question. If I was the breeder and sold you a "show prospect" I would be pissed. You said in your original post "supposedly reputable breeder". It is your job to carefully research breeders, join a breed club, attend shows and listen, listen listen. Your girl has a workable pedigree and if you are trying to start a breeding program with a foundation bitch, remember you are not going to get a perfect one by any stretch!!!

Re: Would You call this a Show Quality Dog?

I said supposedly because like I said I am new to showing I did research the breeder and at the time found nothing bad about the person other than a few folks saying that person was hard to deal with(That can be said even of the Best Person) I have by no means ever thought I had to have a perfect dog I am not nor have I have I ever been under that guise I know dogs are like humans and even super models have flaws. I feel this was must definately a place to ask that question as most people who read this breed and show their dogs. Had I realized the dogs pedigree was still on my site which I did not until 11pm tonight I would have had it removed for privacy reasons but since its there it is there no need to take it down now. IF you review my post I said NOTHING about the breeder only I contacted them and they offered to take the dog back and as far as I knew they were reputable. Read carefully others words and ask for clarification before you simply ASSume someone is makeing a negative comment With that I am done with this as it is getting childish I have gotten enough information and will soon be able to make an INFORMED decision as to what I will be doing or not doing with MY Black Bitch that you all for your responses and information

Re: Would You call this a Show Quality Dog?

NEVER STATED I HAD CURRENTLY OR WAS CURRENTLY BREEDING ANY SHOW QUALITY DOGS Can you Not Read or Comprhend English???? I stated I have purchsed and now co-own some show quality animals. JUST So you know if you plan on coming to the Piedmont show and feel you or anyone else want to speak with me I will be glad to talk with anyone further and welcome the interaction. I am not an idiot by any means yes it is very well possible that I should not have let my last two gun dogs breed but hey that was my choice and it was done for my brother so.. He got two puppies out of the litter the Dam was just spayed and the Sire is soon the follow. Both are scheduled to be rehomed in the next three months.... Enough typing Like I said if anyone who reads this would like to talk with me you can call me my number is on here somewhere and on my site as well. I will again be at Piedmont with my 2 six month olds Miles and Allie so we can speak then as well

Re: Would You call this a Show Quality Dog?

Now you say you didn't know the pedigree was there??? You shouldn't post your website if it is dated, incorrect, missing information and you don't know what is in it. It is your web site and you are responsible for what is posted in it. I hope you back up your puppies better than your website.

Re: ???

Hollow Acres (Kayla)
I also am in the process of co-owning a puppy with my mentor and this puppy has an outstanding pedigree. Like I said I am still learning.

I find very questionable a mentor that is selling you a puppy of her own and tells you to get rid of such a nice puppy.
You might want to get another mentor.

Re: Would You call this a Show Quality Dog?

Hollow Acres Kayla
I said supposedly because like I said I am new to showing I did research the breeder and at the time found nothing bad about the person other than a few folks saying that person was hard to deal with(That can be said even of the Best Person) I have by no means ever thought I had to have a perfect dog I am not nor have I have I ever been under that guise I know dogs are like humans and even super models have flaws. I feel this was must definately a place to ask that question as most people who read this breed and show their dogs. Had I realized the dogs pedigree was still on my site which I did not until 11pm tonight I would have had it removed for privacy reasons but since its there it is there no need to take it down now. IF you review my post I said NOTHING about the breeder only I contacted them and they offered to take the dog back and as far as I knew they were reputable. Read carefully others words and ask for clarification before you simply ASSume someone is makeing a negative comment With that I am done with this as it is getting childish I have gotten enough information and will soon be able to make an INFORMED decision as to what I will be doing or not doing with MY Black Bitch that you all for your responses and information

Your entire agenda here was to bash the breeder of your black puppy. You knew that the pedigree was on your website because if you re-read through your own posts it is clear that you are aware of what is on your website. Maybe *you* have the reading comprehension problem since you have issues with spelling as well.

You do not have the betterment of the breed in mind. Then you say you bred your dogs for your brother. How is that breeding to improve? Just because your brother wants puppies you breed two pet dogs together to add to the pet population and to make a buck. If I was the breeder of your black puppy I would take the puppy back and refund your money just to be done with you. If you have these new show prospect puppies that are so wonderful, why aren't they on your website?

I also highly doubt there is any mentor at all.

Re: Would You call this a Show Quality Dog?

You have alot to learn. You keep saying these two pups, these two pups like they are for sure perfect. Lets hope so, but we all have been through many a pup to get just one nice one for show. You must have sold alot of your pups to buy these if they are that nice and as someone else said if they looked at where you stand today with your breeding program, no good breeder would be handing you two nice pups. You must be dreaming. Just from looking at your site you need to find a mentor, need to do alot of reading, need to go to alot of shows before you think it is so easy. Best of luck, and I mean that for the pups.

Re: Would You call this a Show Quality Dog?

I would like to know who sold you a bitch puppy without a co-ownership. It sounds like the puppy was sold to you on a full AKC registration. What "reputable" breeder does that especially when it looks fairly obvious to me you are all about breeding.

Re: Would You call this a Show Quality Dog?

Be realistic. Plenty of breeders in this game will sell a pup on a "full" registration for the right price, and I'm not talking about an outrageous price either. I know of plenty breeders who will sell a full registration labrador for $1200-1500. We all have our boundaries and limitations and some have none at all.

Re: Would You call this a Show Quality Dog?

I have seen these types before. This person is not interested in anything but BREEDING "stockier, blockier" Labradors because that's what SELLS.
I can't imagine what reputable breeder would allow any of their pups to go to this person but maybe they didn't know about what she was doing beforehand?
Feel sorry for them.
This Kayla person says she has these wonderful 2, 6 month old pups that she is going to "better the breed with" HAHA, but yet she has a 6 week old litter of pets she's selling right now???? Um, something wrong here.

Dog owner
Be realistic. Plenty of breeders in this game will sell a pup on a "full" registration for the right price, and I'm not talking about an outrageous price either. I know of plenty breeders who will sell a full registration labrador for $1200-1500. We all have our boundaries and limitations and some have none at all.

Re: Would You call this a Show Quality Dog?

There are some nice dogs listed in the pedigree. I doubt the breeders of the dogs listed are happy that this woman will try to take advantage of all their hard work, but it's what happens.

Re: Would You call this a Show Quality Dog?

According to her website she sends puppies off to their new homes at six weeks old. Poor babies. She better check with her state regulations. Puppies have to be eight weeks old in my state.

Re: Would You call this a Show Quality Dog?

From looking at your website, you were very lucky the day you brought this pretty black bitch home, spot or no spot. I really hope that she ends up in a home where she is appreciated. I don't know what you were thinking putting the pedigree of this bitch on your site. Its just not the place to do that and not fair to the breeder that gave you a chance. She must have been feeling very generous the day she let this girl go, especially after seeing what you have now. You are still breeding pets. If everyone bred their pets to give something to their families, can you imagine what a mess the pet population would be. Your brother could have bought two dogs as pets, from anyone. You talk about getting rid of everything you have now so easily, like your dogs are disposable. Makes me wonder why you are truly in this sport. We all have to make hard decisions with our dogs, and can't keep everything. But you definitely don't seem like you care about getting rid of your "pets". If they were your pets, how is it so easy to let them go. I hope you maybe will hold off a while and regroup. Attend some shows without showing and decide on the true type that you want. Establish some relationships and find a mentor that you can maybe drive to easily for advice.

Re: Would You call this a Show Quality Dog?

I noticed that too. I guess they aren't really her pets but were just a uterus and a set of testicles.
Very very sad. I hope they too, end up in a home that cares about them, and neuters and spays them....
If I were the breeder of that black puppy, I would be knocking on your door to get her back. I sure hope she has a rock solid contract that spelled out what was and was not to be done with that bitch.
You need to step back, get a clue and stop breeding until you have one!!!!
PS - the "white spot" on your bitch is a horrible fault, please give her back to her breeder and get your money back right away. The sooner the better. Dreadful she sold you such a horrible fault.

NW Breeder
From looking at your website, you were very lucky the day you brought this pretty black bitch home, spot or no spot. I really hope that she ends up in a home where she is appreciated. I don't know what you were thinking putting the pedigree of this bitch on your site. Its just not the place to do that and not fair to the breeder that gave you a chance. She must have been feeling very generous the day she let this girl go, especially after seeing what you have now. You are still breeding pets. If everyone bred their pets to give something to their families, can you imagine what a mess the pet population would be. Your brother could have bought two dogs as pets, from anyone. You talk about getting rid of everything you have now so easily, like your dogs are disposable. Makes me wonder why you are truly in this sport. We all have to make hard decisions with our dogs, and can't keep everything. But you definitely don't seem like you care about getting rid of your "pets". If they were your pets, how is it so easy to let them go. I hope you maybe will hold off a while and regroup. Attend some shows without showing and decide on the true type that you want. Establish some relationships and find a mentor that you can maybe drive to easily for advice.

Re: ABSOLUTELY, this is a show quality puppy.

Gosh, you have some dogs on the way out the door? That gives me chills! Not with a 10 foot pole!

Re: ABSOLUTELY, this is a show quality puppy.

and it looks like she had THREE litters in November alone!

No doubt they had no clearances either. Seems to me she already would have had the 6 month old black puppy at the time she was having all these pet litters.
For someone trying to change their ways, that sure is a funny way of going about it.

Re: ABSOLUTELY, this is a show quality puppy.

I felt bad for the savaging going on about this lady until I looked at the blog and saw the contest!! Now, not so much in the way of sympathy here. I always get the chills when I see sites selling dogs like Ginsu (?sp) knives. This site does that to me too:

Re: ???

My bitch has sprinkling over the same area and I just trimmed her hair a bit before shows. She is a specialty winning bitch, so it did not affect her in the ring at all.

Re: ABSOLUTELY, this is a show quality puppy.

Check out the website now. Hollow Acres now changed their website and even their kennel name. How about that no guilt there.

Re: ABSOLUTELY, this is a show quality puppy.

I felt bad for the savaging going on about this lady until I looked at the blog and saw the contest!! Now, not so much in the way of sympathy here. I always get the chills when I see sites selling dogs like Ginsu (?sp) knives. This site does that to me too:

This really gets to me. Since I have come into this sport, I have spent a future on my dogs. To establish that my dogs are worthy breeding stock, I work at training them for conformation and I have learned how to handle. I exhibit them in the conformation ring and for some I hire a handler. I spend my $$$ on getting all of their clearances done and wait to breed them after they pass all their clearances and are what is considered of good breeding age. If they do not fit into my breeding criteria for whatever reason, I have them spay/neutered and place them as pets with the best match possible. I recently took all the necessary steps and did an AI on one of my bitches and it did not take. That is what gets to me, there are those of us around who are working at it and trying to do it the right way. Then those who just buy dogs and throw a couple of pets together and have litters. It does not make any sense to me?

Re: ABSOLUTELY, this is a show quality puppy.

shocked at the bitterness of this group. We have some heavy duty stone throwers here, be careful not to spin around you may hit your own glass house. how about posting your own web sites so we can pick them apart?

maybe she did not start out on the right foot but this is how you would mentor someone??? how about constructive suggestions instead of attacking her past breeding choices.

it is post like this that make me wonder......

Re: ABSOLUTELY, this is a show quality puppy.

Honestly, I've found it difficult if not next to impossible to mentor someone who has been breeding for awhile as a byb. They think they know it all, are willing to take shortcuts because they "know better" and generally don't follow much of the hard-fought advice I give them. I've pretty much given up on mentoring anyone but people who are totally new to showing first, THEN breeding later - not breeding first, then trying to learn the "right way" to do it!

Old habits are hard to break!

Re: ABSOLUTELY, this is a show quality puppy.

shocked at the bitterness of this group. We have some heavy duty stone throwers here, be careful not to spin around you may hit your own glass house. how about posting your own web sites so we can pick them apart?

maybe she did not start out on the right foot but this is how you would mentor someone??? how about constructive suggestions instead of attacking her past breeding choices.

it is post like this that make me wonder......

Why don't you post your website since your house is made of brick?

Re: ABSOLUTELY, this is a show quality puppy.

I don't see where you get "past breeding choices".
I would say they are current choices given that the litter is under 8 weeks!!
I agree with not mentoring so called "former BYBs". Old habits die hard and I just don't have time or the desire to involve myself with the likes of these people. I won't even entertain the "I didn't know better" excuse because unless you live under a rock and are completely ignorant (in which case please move on I have no use for you) it's not a secret that there are right and wrong approaches to everything in life. BYBs make the choice to be such. Heck, if PET buyers are capable of researching in order to buy from a reputable breeder I would think anyone who wants to breed could do the same. If their motivations are sincere.

shocked at the bitterness of this group. We have some heavy duty stone throwers here, be careful not to spin around you may hit your own glass house. how about posting your own web sites so we can pick them apart?

maybe she did not start out on the right foot but this is how you would mentor someone??? how about constructive suggestions instead of attacking her past breeding choices.

it is post like this that make me wonder......

Re: Would You call this a Show Quality Dog?

I guess Jill is away! This person posted her name,
you may not like what she does or how she does it but
really? Some of your replies were something else!
How many of you posting breed? Do you like your pups
to go to pet homes? What did that indicate when one of the posters said the original poster just breeds for pets? I know a number of top breeders, guess where 99% of their pups end up? Why didn't you just answer her question about the white hairs without
having to launch an all out attack? Snippy, nibby,
bored, web site trollers! Live and let live, she said she was trying to change and do the right thing.
I bet she wants to be just like you nasty posters.
Is it any wonder folks will not use their real names.
Perfection in human behavior is every bit as flawed
as the white hairs on that black dog.

Re: Would You call this a Show Quality Dog?

Would be really interesting to see some of the IP's on these replies - is it really different people posting or the same re-hash.

Re: Would You call this a Show Quality Dog?

can I find you listed under "nasty" in the phone book?
Funny how an anon poster is preaching about all the anon posting!! Ha!

I guess Jill is away! This person posted her name,
you may not like what she does or how she does it but
really? Some of your replies were something else!
How many of you posting breed? Do you like your pups
to go to pet homes? What did that indicate when one of the posters said the original poster just breeds for pets? I know a number of top breeders, guess where 99% of their pups end up? Why didn't you just answer her question about the white hairs without
having to launch an all out attack? Snippy, nibby,
bored, web site trollers! Live and let live, she said she was trying to change and do the right thing.
I bet she wants to be just like you nasty posters.
Is it any wonder folks will not use their real names.
Perfection in human behavior is every bit as flawed
as the white hairs on that black dog.

Re: Would You call this a Show Quality Dog?

Re-Read the post, I could care less if you do not use your name! That had nothing to do with the topic, I
said that I can sure understand why people do NOT post using their real names, look what happened to someone that did. Heck, look at you attacking me, I
am so glad I did not use my real name. Yes, people just have to be nasty, OK, bitchy. Better?

Re: Would You call this a Show Quality Dog?

Whole thing is heartbreaking. Most of us can see, and I hope the puppy buyers can see too.

Re: ???

I'm not sure if anyone else mentioned this, but it looks like you sell your puppies at 6 weeks? That is a bit young. I never let my puppies go home until 8 weeks at the earliest.


The South Carolina based announced the launch of a new Pet Community site ““. To help promote, have announced a free AKC Championship status Labrador Retriever puppy giveaway.

Google search on ""

Re: Would You call this a Show Quality Dog?

I guess Jill is away! This person posted her name,
you may not like what she does or how she does it but
really? Some of your replies were something else!
How many of you posting breed? Do you like your pups
to go to pet homes? What did that indicate when one of the posters said the original poster just breeds for pets? I know a number of top breeders, guess where 99% of their pups end up? Why didn't you just answer her question about the white hairs without
having to launch an all out attack? Snippy, nibby,
bored, web site trollers! Live and let live, she said she was trying to change and do the right thing.
I bet she wants to be just like you nasty posters.
Is it any wonder folks will not use their real names.
Perfection in human behavior is every bit as flawed
as the white hairs on that black dog.

When you say that most pups end up in pet homes you are not stating the complete facts. You just cannot compare a show breeder who is breeding to improve quality and working towards continuing on with their lines to this breeder. Not all puppies turn out for show and yes then they are placed as pets, but that is not why a show breeder breeds to begin with. They are breeding to improve and throughout their breedings the puppies that are not fit are placed in pet homes. Now these puppies also most likely carry top blood lines from champion dogs and the dam and sire and generations above have passed all of their clearances. They are dogs that are proven and deserve to be bred. Then the puppy buyer of the pets out of these litters are getting a top quality pet! How can you even try to compare this breeder to any show breeder? I think you need to re-think it.

Re: Would You call this a Show Quality Dog?

You can tell by the site, by the pictures, by the attitude.
Half expecting to hear about the brother Darryl and the other brother Darryl.
Education will not work. Giving a puppy away as a prize, multiple litters for raising $$...forget it.
The poor little "show puppy."

Re: Would You call this a Show Quality Dog?

I just want to know what an "AKC Championship status Labrador Retriever puppy" is!?!

Re: Would You call this a Show Quality Dog?

Wow - "Championship Lab Puppies" - I bet they'll win at Potomac!!!

Re: Would You call this a Show Quality Dog?

I certainly hope you learned a lesson by posting
ANYTHING on this Forum. What you do to try and
improve your breeding program should be between
you and your mentor and no one else. You asked
for an opinion from the general public and you
got responses from every MORON on this forum.
And YES, you are! This woman needs guidance
When I started in Labs. I knew nothing of
clearances much less what a labrador was supposed
to look like.
That is how MOST of us start! Then,fortunately,
everything after that is uphill:)) If I had not
have met one of the biggest breeders in my area
wanting to breed my yellow bitch with yellow
eyes, no clearances, whippet conformation,
but...the best family dog to her Ch. Choclate.
I would not have won both the U.S. and Canadian
National many many years later.
I think Kayla, just by responding to you jack
asses just may have the guts to improve her
dogs in spite of all the negativity.
Hang in there and please...keep that little
black girl at least until she gets all of her

Re: Would You call this a Show Quality Dog?

I've just found my next stud dog!!! Who needs clearacnes when you have beauty like this!!

Re: Would You call this a Show Quality Dog?

they're red necks
You can tell by the site, by the pictures, by the attitude.
Half expecting to hear about the brother Darryl and the other brother Darryl.
Education will not work. Giving a puppy away as a prize, multiple litters for raising $$...forget it.
The poor little "show puppy."

This, unfortunately, does speak volumes. There is a man who lives near me who owns bloodhounds. These poor animals do not see the light of day until hunting season. They are kept cooped up and shocked with electric collars when they bark. He doesn't have a clue that what he is doing is abuse. They also use dogs down here to run deer, it's the way they hunt and think nothing about it. Hopefully, this woman's intentions are what she claims, but I have my doubts. What's the old saying, "A picture speaks a thousand words.", her website says it all.

Re: Would You call this a Show Quality Dog?

I've just found my next stud dog!!! Who needs clearacnes when you have beauty like this!!

That's mean, it's not the dogs fault. I don't agree with her methods, but I do feel compassion for her dogs.

Re: Would You call this a Show Quality Dog?

Old Breeder
I certainly hope you learned a lesson by posting
ANYTHING on this Forum. What you do to try and
improve your breeding program should be between
you and your mentor and no one else. You asked
for an opinion from the general public and you
got responses from every MORON on this forum.
And YES, you are! This woman needs guidance
When I started in Labs. I knew nothing of
clearances much less what a labrador was supposed
to look like.
That is how MOST of us start! Then,fortunately,
everything after that is uphill:)) If I had not
have met one of the biggest breeders in my area
wanting to breed my yellow bitch with yellow
eyes, no clearances, whippet conformation,
but...the best family dog to her Ch. Choclate.
I would not have won both the U.S. and Canadian
National many many years later.
I think Kayla, just by responding to you jack
asses just may have the guts to improve her
dogs in spite of all the negativity.
Hang in there and please...keep that little
black girl at least until she gets all of her

Well said.....Unfortunetly alot of these posts are why "show people" are the laughing stock of serious folks. It's just plain embarrasing There is VERY LITTLE professionalism among most sitting on thrones guarding there own skeletons in thier closets.

Re: Would You call this a Show Quality Dog?

I sure hope my Grandma never gets a flat tire outside of one of you perfect breeders house. Lord knows what would happen to her for asking for help.
OP I think you have balls and I would hope that these perfect ones will have them as well and confront you at the show. My guess is they will not instead they will sit back like a bunch of bitchy hens and talk behind your back. They should be so proud.
Glad to see you are trying to better your program and I hope you find more people that will help you.
Good luck.

Re: Would You call this a Show Quality Dog?

Whole thing is heartbreaking. Most of us can see, and I hope the puppy buyers can see too.

This is really all that needs to be said.

Re: Would You call this a Show Quality Dog?

I sure hope my Grandma never gets a flat tire outside of one of you perfect breeders house. Lord knows what would happen to her for asking for help.
OP I think you have balls and I would hope that these perfect ones will have them as well and confront you at the show. My guess is they will not instead they will sit back like a bunch of bitchy hens and talk behind your back. They should be so proud.
Glad to see you are trying to better your program and I hope you find more people that will help you.
Good luck.

You otta know about talking behind people's back seeing that you are a pro at it.

Re-read your post and then ask yourself who acts as if they are sitting on a throne?

Re: Would You call this a Show Quality Dog?

This didn't work, hmmmmmmmm.

Another site.

Re: Would You call this a Show Quality Dog?

Unfortunately there are plenty of "pretenders" out there. Do your homework, go over their websites carefully, look at the photoshopped pictures of their dogs, read the clearances (try not to laugh) and compare to OFA.Find out all you can about these people before believing that they have changed!

Re: Would You call this a Show Quality Dog?


You state that your mentor is 'well respected in the Labrador community'. This could not be further from the truth. Your "mentor" has no business "mentoring" anyone. Do yourself and the breed a favor and PLEASE find a knowledgeable, respected, ethical breeder to learn under before you produce any more puppies.

Re: Would You call this a Show Quality Dog?

Not this again. These people are getting way to much attention. Put it to bed!

Re: Would You call this a Show Quality Dog?


Re: Would You call this a Show Quality Dog?

Just so you know I only have 5 dogs (1) old pet female Fixed, 7 Month old Bitch, 8 Month old bitch and 2- 12 week old puppies. See I learnt that my previous practices were not what I needed to be doing Thanks To my Mentor! and I have since spayed and Neutered dogs not of quality and have rehomed with family. I plan on being around for a long time and learing as much as I can so that I may further the Breed and Do what should be done. I do not have anything to prove to anyone on here but myself and GOD so you must really be bored. Thanks though you and your scared to place your real name just showed your colors. God Bless now if you want to give real advice and help call me and come visit.