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Ear infection- please help?

Someone dropped a mixed breed dog here and she is clearly expecting puppies, i dont know how far along she is but probably due soon. She has an ear infection. Is there any home remedy out there than i could use on her? any replies would be appreciated. Honestly i dont have the money to take her into the vet right now.

Re: Ear infection- please help?

Purple ear cleaner:

16 oz. rubbing alcohol or witch hazel
4 Tablespoons Boric Acid
16 drops Gentian violet - the 1% solution variety

Mix together. Shake before using.

Re: Ear infection- please help?

Thank you breeder. Could you tell me how long and how often on this?

Re: Ear infection- please help?

I once caught an ear infection in the early stage and had read to use 1 part vinegar and 1 part water and to drop it in the ear. But be ready because the dog will try to shake out the liquid, so cover the ear with a cloth or cottonball etc, and gently massage the ear for a moment until the solution has had time to penetrate. My dog had almost instant relief and the next day had no signs of the infection. I don't know if this is common, or just pure luck!

Re: Ear infection- please help?

Can you get your hands on some antibiotics? If it is a reoccuring yeast infection like many of them are, you need to be aggresive in treating it. The purple solution is great for cleaning but it does not prevent ear infections like so many people on this forum like to think. Our vet prescribes Cephalexin 500 mg. 1 and a half tablet twice daily for 2 weeks, sometimes longer. I would also be using an ear drop like Surolan. The puple solution will also hurt like hell if her ear is raw and infected. Too bad you can't get this girl to a vet or at least explain to your vet the situation and get her started on meds.

Very kind of you to take her in.

Re: Ear infection- please help?

Purple ear cleaner:

16 oz. rubbing alcohol or witch hazel
4 Tablespoons Boric Acid
16 drops Gentian violet - the 1% solution variety

Mix together. Shake before using.

Using witch hazel in this solution will hurt less. I have found plain witch hazel used 3 times a day for 10 days to be very effective.

Re: Ear infection- please help?

I've used this in the early stages of an ear infection with great success but if it's a bad case, this might help a bit but meds will be the only thing to truly clear it up. 1/3 each water, white vinegar & rubbing alcohol mixed together in a small squeeze bottle & kept at room temp. It's more for cleaning but it has cleared up ear infections that I've caught early enough too. Good luck & tks for helping!

Re: Ear infection- please help?

Zymox - you can get it without hydrocortizone for prego girls, or with for other. Can order online through Amazon. If the infection is really bad clean out ear really good before you start treatment, after starting zymox, you are not supposed to clean out the ear or use water, just wipe off excess after treating.

Gooey Ears - it's concerning

So many of us have dogs with gooey ears all the time. I have 10 dogs and there are always 2-3 at any given time with ear issues. It's concerning to me that so many of us seem to have the same issues with ears over and over. Why? It's gotta be all the stuff in the dog foods today. Frankly, between ears and stool issues with food I'm getting to the point that I don't even want to feed dogs anymore... not to mention the price of this crazy food and meds we use all the time.

Re: Gooey Ears - it's concerning

My vet recommends purple solution 2x/week. Put a small amount in with eye dropper and leave in. clean the ear 1-2x/week on different days from purple.

I use 1/3 water, 1/3 witch hazel, 1/3 w. viniger for cleaning.

Yeast is a fungus. From what I know antibiotic will not kill fungus. It kills bacteria.

The purple solution worked great on my mom's dog with horrible yeast issues. 6 weeks of the above treatment and she is good to go and has been for over a year.

Not sure if gentian violet would be safe for pregnancy. death and resorption is mentioned here. Not sure if a dog is close to due date if it would be safe. Best to check with your vet.

"Gentian violet also affected fertility and was deemed the cause of a high
rate of post-implantation mortality (either death or reabsorption of the

Re: Ear infection- please help?

For your pregnant girl use only the boric acid alcohol. Do not use the gentian. No anti fungus medication for pregnant girls. Some antibiotics might be harmful too.
Use it twice a day until ear is clean.
Most likely she hasn't been treated, so you should get a quick response. She'll probably recur, but by then you can use more aggressive medications.
Thanks for taking care of her.