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I'm curious am I the only person still waiting on results from Ingen? I submitted a PRA test in late Aug and have been very patient but I am losing it fast. Of 5 attempts to contact only one ever was answered. Rick promised the week of CHristmas they were up and running and all back logged tests would be done in the next two weeks. Well, 30 days from that and I'm still waiting. Am I the only one? I'm beginning to think my test was lost completely!

Re: Ingen

Did you ever get confirmation from Ingen that they received your sample?

Re: Ingen

I received a result a week or two ago from a sample I sent in last fall. Had a question and Rick answered the next day. Had another question and he answered within a week (he was travelling).

Re: Ingen

Got all my results. I think they have fixed their problems. I just sent in more to test so we'll see.

Re: Ingen

Sent in 5 test the last of August and still do not have results!!!!!!!!

Re: Ingen

I'm wanted to believe they had it all fixed! Glad I'm not the only one. Mine also was sent late Aug! And yes, I have a confirmation number.

Re: Ingen

I got 4 out of 5 results back.

Re: Ingen

Still no results here. I am not ordering any even at the low cost until i am comfortable that they have everything together.

Re: Ingen

Still waiting for my results sumitted in Aug also.
No replies to any of my e-mails.