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pup has ticks

help! my 6 month old lab and 2.5 month old lab pups have ticks! i think the carrier was 2.5 month old pup that i just recently acquired from a so called reputable breeder.. Unfortunately, i didnt check if the pup has ticks when i got it. Any home remedy that is effective and easy to apply? grateful for any help! thanks

Re: pup has ticks

Do you mean TICKS or fleas???

Either way, Frontline will take care of both parisites.

Talk to your veterinarian.


Re: pup has ticks

If you really are talking about ticks, dogs do not get ticks from other dogs. They pick them up outside, in your backyard or the park or the woods.

Re: pup has ticks

I really wish people would stop writitng in their posts "supposedly reputable breeder" Firstly it is down right rude and nasty. Secondly YOU purchased this pup, so YOU are responsible to make sure it came from someone reputable!!! Thirdly, why do you think it is the breeders fault the pup got a tick? Please think about what you are going to write before you start pounding on the keys.