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Pulling puppy

I have a 10 month old male who is my first conformation dog. He is doing very well in the ring-behaves, stacks, gaits nicely, etc. He knows basic obedience commands and is easy to train, but I haven't worked with him on heeling because I wasn't sure if that would interfere with the nice gait that he has in the ring. As a result, now that he is eighty pounds or so, he is no fun to walk because he pulls on his leash like crazy. My guess is that if I taught him to heel nicely outside the ring on a different lead, he is smart enough to "get it" and still gait nicely with his show lead in the ring, but I am unsure. I am looking for and appreciative of advice from others on the forum.

Re: Pulling puppy

Never mind heeling, you need to teach basic leash manners. The two are entirely separate behaviors.

Re: Pulling puppy

Yes, he is smart enough to know the difference in leads, in your tone and commands.

Re: Pulling puppy

Your ''guess'' is right,he will understand the difference and know the difference between the leads.But ,the important thing in your training is that it will have to be positive don't ever punish him! I do both ,the only thing i don't do is the sitting after a heel when you stop .When i leash walk she walks besides me normaly and if i decide right then and there to do a little conformation practice i place the collar a little higher grab the leash with my left hand and say ',let's go '' and walk as if we were in ring ,she loves it!
A pulling dog is hard on your muscles and you and your boy will just love the great walks ,it will easier and more enjoyable after!

Good luck and have fun!!

Re: Pulling puppy

Don't let anyone tell you you can't do both obedience and Conformation. I hear people all the time say not to teach your breed dog to sit. It is crazy. My dogs have breed championships and upper level obedience titles. They truly can do it all!! Show your boy in conformation, and do obedience work with him, it will only strengthen your bond!! Have fun with him and good luck! And yes, you are completely right he will know just what you are doing by the leash he has on and the situation he is in!