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Anyone getting replies from Ingen?????

I have tests waiting to be processed at Ingen. I have emailed over and over with no replies from Sherrill or Rick. Three weeks, a few emails I send each week. Today I was speaking to a small dog breeder and Ingen came up in conversation.She told me that her breeder friend has a friend in Freeport and told her that the lab there has been closed for over a week? No cars there, nothing. She even called to make certain her information was correct-to this other breeder in the Bahamas.
I hope there is a good explanation for this as I need my tests and ordered seven at the regular PRCD price.

Re: Anyone getting replies from Ingen?????

Anyone want to go on a nice Bahama vacation and go knocking on their door? Sounds like a great time of year for that little excursion! Something isn't right here and I for one am not going to spend any more money with them until it's 100% fixed!

Re: Anyone getting replies from Ingen?????

I bet Rick and Ingen are never heard from again.

Re: Anyone getting replies from Ingen?????

I just received an e-mail from Sherril today - answered a question for me.

Re: Anyone getting replies from Ingen?????

The same information is on other sites to. This is just wonderful to hear since I just purchased test from them for my puppies.I emailed numerous times with no response but i ordered them due to the low price. Im curious if anyone has ordered them in the past few days and received them from Georgia? Optigen looks very nice now.

Re: Anyone getting replies from Ingen?????

I just got a phone call from another breeder stating that she had just heard from another breeder about a posting that Ingen closed their doors over 2 weeks ago. This could just be a nasty rumor but i am wondering if anyone else has heard this, I am concerend because I have just sent tests in.

Re: Anyone getting replies from Ingen?????

As I posted before, I have heard back from both Rick and Sherryl. If they had closed their doors why would they be responding to me?

Re: Anyone getting replies from Ingen?????

I found that I was not getting responses from free email accounts such as Sherill also told me months ago that:

"I am receiving about 300 a day and can normally respond to about 100 a day. Most of them I have to research before responding to in order to give the correct information to our customers. Then during the same 4-5 day period, I get 2nd and 3rd emails from about 110 of the original 300. Multiply this times the 5 day week that I'm in the office and you might begin to understand why I am having a time getting in touch with everyone. "

Needless to say I have decided to wait to see if they can get their act together again. I was so happy with their customer service a year ago, and then it all went down hill

Re: Anyone getting replies from Ingen?????

I heard this evening that they were just out of town but back in now and test are running again.

Re: Anyone getting replies from Ingen?????

I just got 5 kits dated shipped 01/13/10 and received 01/21/10.

Re: Anyone getting replies from Ingen?????

Website is still up

Re: Anyone getting replies from Ingen?????

I got emails on Jan. 18th saying they had received the swabs I had sent the week before. Sure hope they are still in business.

Re: Anyone getting replies from Ingen?????

It would be nice if they would respond on the forum just to make all of us feel better.

Re: Anyone getting replies from Ingen?????

can anyone else get the ingen site to come up? Ive tried late last night and this morning and the link is broken.

Re: Anyone getting replies from Ingen?????

I was able to access the website and sign on to my account just now.

Re: Anyone getting replies from Ingen?????

It appears to be up, as it was last night. I used Safari as browser.
Link is NOT dot com.

Re: Anyone getting replies from Ingen?????

I just got email confirmations that they received my samples today.

Re: Anyone getting replies from Ingen?????

You must be special as I guess you're the only one thats heard back from them LMAO