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Pro Plan Ad "We Steal Someone's Thunder"

OK, I have to ask, with it inside the front cover of the LQ and on the back cover of Just Labs, is the new ad campaign Purina is running "This could be the year we steal someone's thunder." a photo of Jen? and what dog?

Re: Pro Plan Ad "We Steal Someone's Thunder"

A west coast handler,,,and Ch. Decoys Daydream Believer

Re: Pro Plan Ad "We Steal Someone's Thunder"

anyone have a link to the ad somewhere online?

Re: Pro Plan Ad "We Steal Someone's Thunder"

If it's the ad that I am thinking about - the handler is Judy Heim's daughter Marlynn Durham and yes it is a Decoy dog at the Palm Springs show last year.

There was a post about it a week or so ago.

Valerie Jones - Bibsmom

Re: Pro Plan Ad "We Steal Someone's Thunder"

So I am curious as to what was meant by the ad
headline "Steal Someone's Thunder"?

Re: Pro Plan Ad "We Steal Someone's Thunder"

It is a Purina Pro Plan is not a breeder's ad if that is what you are getting to. Have you not seen it? It has been in the past two LQ's.

Re: Pro Plan Ad "We Steal Someone's Thunder"

I am not a fan of the ad campaign. Kind of sour grapes seems. We have enough of that in the sport without a dog food company egging it on. But was curious to know who none the less.

Re: Pro Plan Ad "We Steal Someone's Thunder" SOOOOO don't get marketing strategies!