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Mighty Mouse

I have a puppy who was only 6 oz. at birth. Now at 4 wks. she is 2 lbs. 11 oz. Compared to her siblings she is gaining at the same rate. She seems fine, was the first to open her eyes and is the first to run for attention when I get in the box with them. My question is should I expect her to be very small as an adult or do you think she will eventually catch up to her siblings in size? Also do you think she is more likely to have health issues due to her small size? Thanks for any insight to this baby's future.

Re: Mighty Mouse

How big are her siblings at the same age? How many in the litter?

Re: Mighty Mouse

There are 7 pups in the litter. The only other female is 4 lbs. 2 oz. and the boys range from 4 lbs. 14 oz. to 5 lbs. 14 oz.

Re: Mighty Mouse

She could have had simply a poorer placental attachment/crowding or she could have a congenital issue. Time will tell. I have had both. One, tiny puppy, went to a family friend for free she was so 'sad'. We kept the big bunchy show quality girl. At 6 they are twins and their dog is actually a bit larger framed.

Another scenario, same type thing, at 7-8 weeks it became apparent puppy had issues with exercise and turned out to have heart malformation. another puppy developed the same way and had kidney issue.

So time will tell, just have her heart listened to and watch her as she ages. Kidney puppy developed strangles at onset of her turn downhill.

Good luck with her! Love the little fighters!

Re: Mighty Mouse

I've had both with the runt puppies. Most grew to become normal healthy adults, and a couple had health issues. One had a heart problem, and the other one a liver shunt. You can have the vet check his heart, and run a liver panel to check the liver.
Most times is poor nutrition. Mal absorption mostly. It'll get over it if it is the case.

Re: Mighty Mouse

Thanks for sharing your experiences. I will have the little girl's health evaluated when she gets a little older and just hope for the best.