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HELP! pink (blood)-tinged seman


I did a collection on my stud dog today, and it was pink (blood)-tinged.

What is this?

Please help!

Re: HELP! pink (blood)-tinged seman

It is likely a bit of blood. Could be a small blood vessel ruptured during the collection. Should be fine to use.

Re: HELP! pink (blood)-tinged seman

In most cases, the blood does not come from inside the penis. It is usually a small capillary that breaks on the outside. No biggie,just be more gentle next time you collect him. Are you sure it came from inside?

Re: HELP! pink (blood)-tinged seman

A friend, just last week, did a series of breeding with her young male (this breeding will prove both him and the bitch) and she was freaking over blood in his semen as well as his urine. After a physical exam, check for sheath stricture, cathetrerization, collection and analysis of both urine and semen by the repro vet (lots of swimmers, morphology and motility great), cultures of semen and urine, x-ray and ultrasound, Brucellosis test negative --- vet can find NOTHING wrong!
They are thinking that he is breaking little blood vessels in the sheath or penis somewhere, in his lustiness, and the telling thing will be whether he impregnates this bitch or not. The blood in the urine during this time frame is due to his being worked up over this bitch even though he wasn't actually breeding her yet.
Ususally an issue with the prostate causes blood in the semen, but this time NADA???
Fingers crossed that all is well for you.

Re: HELP! pink (blood)-tinged seman

You can usually tell if it's a broken blood vessel on the outside because the collection bag will have bright red blood on it somewhere near the top. Thats a good clue to look for.

Re: HELP! pink (blood)-tinged seman

In most cases, the blood does not come from inside the penis. It is usually a small capillary that breaks on the outside. No biggie,just be more gentle next time you collect him. Are you sure it came from inside?

We were trying to do a natural breeding, and we tried for 2 days.

Today, he was getting frustrated & impatient, I tried to help, but he was wild with lust. He tried to penetrate my bitch, but missed the spot. It was at that time I did the collection. I saw a drop of blood when collecting.

The area of the prepuce looks a bit pink & swollen. And it was not like yesterday. Today was our first collection.

Do I need to give him any antibodics? Will this go away?

Thank you so very much

Re: HELP! pink (blood)-tinged seman

You can usually tell if it's a broken blood vessel on the outside because the collection bag will have bright red blood on it somewhere near the top. Thats a good clue to look for.

There was a bright red drop of blood in the bag.

Thank you so much!

Re: HELP! pink (blood)-tinged seman

You can usually tell if it's a broken blood vessel on the outside because the collection bag will have bright red blood on it somewhere near the top. Thats a good clue to look for.

There was 1 drop of bright red blood in the bag

THANK YOU so much:)

Re: HELP! pink (blood)-tinged seman

If you saw it on the bag he doesn't need antibiotic. It will heal on it's own.

Re: HELP! pink (blood)-tinged seman

I had this a couple of months ago. Come to find out my boy's prostate was enlarged. Ultrasound confirmed it but also showed that it wasn't cancerous. We put him on meds and while it didn't shrink back to normal size but did reduce it greatly. The last time I collected him, he was blood free.

Since the meds are so expensive, I put him and my other boy on a supplement that is meant to help maintain the prostate.

Re: HELP! pink (blood)-tinged seman

what is the supplement for prostrate health?

Re: HELP! pink (blood)-tinged seman

Saw Palmetto is labeled for prostate health. This supplement I got at Costco and it's labeled Prostate Health Complex with saw palmetto, zinc, lycopene and pumpkin seed. It's a human supplement but my vet said I could give it to the dogs. 1 x per day.

Re: HELP! pink (blood)-tinged seman

Don't want to alarm you, but this is exactly what my boy did who suddenly went infertile at 3 years old, little bit of blood, wildly trying to penetrate but unable. I got him treated by repro specialist too late and he is dead sterile.

Did you check sperm under microscope to be sure some is there?

I sure hope and pray you don't have to go through what we did.

All the best with your boy.

Re: HELP! pink (blood)-tinged seman

Don't be alarmed. I've had blood tinged semen several times and it was the broken artery problem. Watch that the top of your bag isn't scratching him. The plastic ones can really be abrasive.

Re: HELP! pink (blood)-tinged semen

"Don't be alarmed. I've had blood tinged semen several times and it was the broken artery problem."

I'm sorry but if your boy broke an artery that is a MAJOR problem!LOL!!!!! A broken capillary not so much.

Try cutting the top off of the ziploc baggy, it does wonders.Don't worry the small broken capillary will heal quickly.

Re: HELP! pink (blood)-tinged seman

I had this a couple of months ago. Come to find out my boy's prostate was enlarged. Ultrasound confirmed it but also showed that it wasn't cancerous. We put him on meds and while it didn't shrink back to normal size but did reduce it greatly. The last time I collected him, he was blood free.

Since the meds are so expensive, I put him and my other boy on a supplement that is meant to help maintain the prostate.

I would keep a close watch on the prostate, especially if it isn't back to normal. How old is your boy? I just went through this and ended up having to neuter a 7 year old.He had intermittent blood, but his semen was viable.Are you sure that the ultrasound ruled out cancer? We had to do a prostatic flush and send it out to find out.