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Potomac 2010 - Educational Seminar??

Forgive my impatience....must be the recent warm weather southern NY has experienced, but my thoughts have turned to April and this year's Potomac. Can anyone from LRCP share whether there will be an educational seminar as in previous years? I've checked the website and can find no indication of whether or not there is one being planned. Thanks.

Re: Potomac 2010 - Educational Seminar??

Karen, Blackwatch
Forgive my impatience....must be the recent warm weather southern NY has experienced, but my thoughts have turned to April and this year's Potomac. Can anyone from LRCP share whether there will be an educational seminar as in previous years? I've checked the website and can find no indication of whether or not there is one being planned. Thanks.

Karen, as far as I know there isn't a seminar this year. I did ask about it and was told there wasn't anything happening.

See you at the Big P!