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New Champion and Group 4 from BBE :)

I haven't been on here much lately, as my allotted internet time seems to be taken up with facebook and the barrel horse world discussion board, but I have a huge brag I just had to share--Coal is a Champion! He finished this weekend with a bang, going WD and BOB under Michael Faulkner, with a beautiful Labrador entry of 90. I thought the icing on the cake was having his 14 month old daughter, Eva, shown by my 16 yo daughter, go WB and BOS, again, over a beautiful entry including beautiful specials. We were so happy.

But I should have known there was more to come, as Coal appears to be a born showman. We walked in the Group ring with our wonderful friends cheering their heads off, and Coal was on fire. He did not put a foot wrong, and kept up with the Setters, and made judge Susan St. John-Brown grin from ear to ear. Isn't that written in the Labrador standard or something, that they love life and it is contagious? I don't believe she is known for putting up Labradors, but she gave him a Group 4. The crowd went wild. I have the best friends EVER. Thanks, girls!

This was the Rose City Classic shows, it is a huge circuit, he defeated 541 dogs. So now we are the proud owners and breeders of our favorite singleton, the ever silly, ever joyful, CH Nipntuck Stocking Stuffer.

Re: New Champion and Group 4 from BBE :)

Congratulations Becky and Coal!

Re: New Champion and Group 4 from BBE :)

Congratulations! I have a very good friend who was there. She said that there was a BEAUTIFUL lab that placed in groups. That must be your boy. I know you are sooooo proud.

Re: New Champion and Group 4 from BBE :)

Way to go, that must have been a thrill!

Re: New Champion and Group 4 from BBE :)

I've just spent some time on Coal's page, looking at his pictures. He's a beautiful dog. You have much to be proud of. Congratulations!

Re: New Champion and Group 4 from BBE :)

Becky: Congratulations on your great success with Coal and his kids! I love your videos that you have of him in the ring, it gives me goosebumps

Re: New Champion and Group 4 from BBE :)

Woo Hoo!
That is wonderful!!! Congratulations!!!

Re: New Champion and Group 4 from BBE :)

Congrats! I have to admit that I kind of teared up reading your note. It is just special to have Father and Daughter do so well at the same time!

Re: New Champion and Group 4 from BBE :)

Congratulations! That word really isn't enough is it? I can only dream for such a magnificent day. Enjoy the memories and your dogs forever. Marilee

Re: New Champion and Group 4 from BBE :)

Woohoo! Good for you Becky & Kate ! Coal is lovely - haven't seen his daughter - but she must be lovely too!

Ride the wave for a while!!!!!
Valerie Jones - Bibsmom

Re: New Champion and Group 4 from BBE :)


Congratulations, Becky, Kate, Coal and Eva!!

Very happy for you!

Re: New Champion and Group 4 from BBE :)

Big congratulations Becky, he is a stunning dog!