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Have any of you had a bitch with septic mastitis( temp 104, lethargic, close to rupture, etc) that went on to have subsequent litters with no issues?

Also did they lose any puppies from the litters that they had the mastitis with?

I have done much research into this subject but I am now looking for personal experience ...


Re: Mastitis

I had a bitch with septic mastitis and a temp of 105.2. We had problems with her with the meds, but finally got her adjusted. It burst and I was amazed how quickly it healed. I didn't lose any pups because of the mastitis.

I bred her 2 cycles later, with absolutely no problems.

Your bitch should be fine, next time, although it might be a good idea to have the meds in hand, just in case. You never know.

Re: Mastitis

One of my girls had a horrible mastitis with a temp of 105. Of course she was put on antibiotics. Moist/hot packs will finally bring the abscess up and allow it to break. I flushed it with a betadine and saline solution several times each day, flushing until there was no more pus coming from the abscess. We continued flushing the wound every day until the abscess no longer produced pus or any other liquid. My girl had two mammary glands involved. The second was smaller, and probably came from the first. Just as the previous poster stated there were no ill effects on the puppies, and healing is very rapid once the abscess bursts.

Re: Mastitis

I leased a bitch that had mastitis on the litter before mine. She actually lost one mammary gland due to the infection. She developed a much milder case of mastitis during my litter. No pups were lost either time.

Re: Mastitis

I have bitch who had septic mastitis that ruptured and she lost the nipple on the teat. It was her first litter. Puppies continued to nurse with no ill effects. Have had 2 litters since without problem.

Re: Mastitis

Please understand mastitis is a 95% man-made problem. By feeding the Mom high protein food or puppy food it is too rich and concentrated to be used correctly. She needs a good quality food with no more than 26% protein.
Yes, she needs more food as the pups grow and yes she will have to eliminate more often. Sometime I wonder if I have an elephant in the back yard when the pups are approaching 3 weeks old because she eliminates more stool.
Please do not blame the bitch. She is a product of what you are feeding her during gestation, whelping and rearing of puppies.

Re: Mastitis

Dear "22 year experience",

Perhaps you never nursed your own children and experienced mastitis. Perhaps you know little about mammary glands.

While it is easy to blame the breeder and what she feeds, perhaps the bitch is lying on one side too much which can cause mastitis. Many bitches favor one side, allowing the other to become engorged and caked. Or, perhaps she had a c-section, which GREATLY enhances the chance of mastitis (which was the case with my bitch).

Please don't automatically climb on a soap box and lay blame.

Re: Mastitis

Please let's not let this thread get out of control.
I do agree with 22 years experience that diet can play a roll. However septic mastitis is a bacterial infection and the causes are not completely known. It can be unsanitary conditions, or simply the pups causing an opening with sharp nails through which the bacteria can enter the bitches mammary tract.
Thank you for all your replies and the encouraging words of subsequent litters with no issues. We did lose pups with the case of mastitis I am referring to. Both were septic and I assume got it from the milk? Necropsy was inconclusive... All others were weaned at 3 weeks when mom went on an antibiotic that the pups could not have through the breast milk... Pups did cry out after nursing from birth each time. We were told it was colic..Once weaned they never cried after a meal again...No one knows for sure if it was the mastitis or not.... We will never know.
Thankfully our girl did not rupture, which to me is a miracle... I got her temp down with antibiotics, ice packs for almost 24 hours, hot packed and expressed gently the glands... She had a milder case a week prior, but this was NASTY!!! I pray it never happens again...
Thanks again... No offense taken here, I appreciate the honest replies.

Re: Mastitis

I feel that we don't know very much about lactation
compared to other bodily functions. With my last litter or 10, via c-section, at about 1 wk (give or take)mom was fine at noon and by 5:00 had 2 mammary glads that were huge and like rocks. I put the largest pups on them around the clock and did lots of message with moist warm packs. Took about 3-5 days to get back to normal.
I have had many litters and never had anything like this. It developed very quickly, for no apparent reason.

Re: Mastitis

The same thing happened with one of my bitches about 4-5 days after whelping. She had a large litter, so the teats were being emptied out. Fine in the morning, feverish in the afternoon with a hard teat. I rushed her to the emergency room and she got an injectable antibiotic with follow-up antibiotics. I think I just caught it at its early stage.
The puppies never got diarrhea from the antibiotic. I was told that it would happen again in this bitch, it never did.
I WAS feeding a 26% protein food.
Since then, especially for the first two weeks after whelping, I wash down the bitch's entire underside,including the vulva and anal area once every day with a non-antiseptic shampoo.
I haven't had a problem since...just luck I am sure.