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Vomiting during stage 1 labor?

Hi All,
I have a maiden bitch who's had a temperature drop almost 48 hours ago. She is in no sign of distress and I have been in contact with my vet yesterday at noon. He said she would probably go into the night. No puppies yet. She still seems to be in stage one labor and has drank water and has eaten a small amount of food last night. But this morning she has vomited the water she drank this morning along with the small amount of food she ate last night. I've never seen this before with my other bitches. Is the vomiting normal? Has anyone else experienced this?
TIA for the reponses.
Yes, I will be contacting my vet asap this morning.

Re: Vomiting during stage 1 labor?

She may finally be moving along into the next stage. As you know: you want to make sure that no one is stuck, and maybe go to ice chips, a little at a time.

Re: Vomiting during stage 1 labor?

What is her current temperature? If it's still down, she's still "cooking" - if it's back up to 101-102 range, then she has uterine inertia. Dr. Hutchison says that the first puppy should come within 4 hours of the temperature returning to normal, or else you're in trouble.

Re: Vomiting during stage 1 labor?

At about 3:45 this morning her temp was at 98.4

Re: Vomiting during stage 1 labor?

I've had bitches go 2+ days after the initial temp drop with no issues. Are the puppies still moving around?

Re: Vomiting during stage 1 labor?

Yes, puppies are still moving around.

Re: Vomiting during stage 1 labor?

It's not uncommon at all for my puppies to actually start arriving 24 to 36 hours after the temp returns to normal.

I would allow a maximum of 4 hours in the stage/state the OP spoke of, if she's not even holding down water, and then would get her in. Good luck and keep us posted.

Re: Vomiting during stage 1 labor?

Fuuny. Most of my girls vomit when they begin their labor. To me, it's a sure sign of puppies that day. Even my daughter did during labor with her second baby! Think of it as nature's way of emptying the GI tract so labor doesn't have to compete with digestion/elimination.

Re: Vomiting during stage 1 labor? - Puppy Update

My girl had her puppies. She ended up with 7 healthy puppies after a low dose of oxytocin got things moving.
Thanks to all you replied to the original post.

Re: Vomiting during stage 1 labor? - Puppy Update

Congratulations!!! Nice litter. Glad you waited her out