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Females mounting each other

Do females mount each other when they are about to go in heat or is this just a dominance issue?

Re: Females mounting each other

BOTH! JMO and from my own experiences.....

Re: Females mounting each other

I have found this to be a sign of the pecking order being established. More often you will see the dominant females mounting the less sublissive girls to establish dominance.

Re: Females mounting each other

it mostly happens around here when the pack of girls are coming in heat, a hump fest to say the least.

Re: Females mounting each other

Same here when the girls come in season, it is a humpfest. They never do it any other time.

Re: Females mounting each other

And they take turns. The humper becomes the humpee several minuts later!

Re: Females mounting each other

And they take turns. The humper becomes the humpee several minutes later!

Re: Females mounting each other

Gives conga line a whole new meaning sometimes!!!

Re: Females mounting each other

Gives conga line a whole new meaning sometimes!!!

I call it a choo-choo train. Thank goodness for property so the neighbors don't usually see it.

Many years ago I had a natural breeding happen near my fence. Two women neighbors were standing in the next driveway with their mouths dropped open. I said, sowwy, nature is taking it's course. Both came to visit the litter of 9 puppers at 7 weeks bragging they *saw it happen* hehe.

Re: Females mounting each other

One time there was a "train" in a friend's front exercise yard and a comment was made by a visitor about an impending tie...................all 4 were GIRLS!