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Canadian Breeders - CKC Registration

I just want to check with others to see if there is another, simpler way of registering puppies and litters than what I have been doing for the past 10 years.

Register the litter, then register individual puppies to the breeder, then transfer registration to new owners. Three separate transactions and three separate fees. Correct? Plus, nonbreeding agreements go in with transfers. I wonder why we cannot just register the litter and then register each puppy directly to the purchaser? Sure would save time and money. Also, am I the only one who resents having to go through a big ordeal with printing out a nonbreeding agreement for each purchaser to sign and then fill everything in and send with transfer. It would seem more logical if the breeder could just tick a box that said the puppy was sold on a nonbreeding agreement. Why should we require purchasers to sign a contract for this. Isn't it up to us how we register the puppies and if a purchaser wouldn't sign the contract or didn't want to buy with a nonbreeding agreement we wouldn't be selling to them anyway right?

Re: Canadian Breeders - CKC Registration

Sounds like a PIA and money grab. Is this still the way with the new on-line system???

Re: Canadian Breeders - CKC Registration

I register them on the induvidual registrations to the new own, I don't register them to me.

Litter reg'n and then transfer, but they're never reg'd to me.

Re: Canadian Breeders - CKC Registration

I also transfer to the new owners when I register the puppy individually, so it's not a 2 step process.

What was the worst pain was when the CKC instituted the policy of the breeder PAYING for the Non-Breeding contract to be registered on a puppy. That lasted a few years until the many breeders protesting this money grab won out, and the CKC took the fee for registering a Non-breeding contract off, and put it back the way it had been previously - only cost now again is to have the Non-Breeding contract removed.

I'd rather register the whole litter myself than have the new owner given the option.

Re: Canadian Breeders - CKC Registration

I do the individual registration at the same time as the transfer, so the puppy doesn't go into my name then get transferred out later. As for the online registrations, I love it now with the non breeding. I simply tick off that it's on a NB and then the NB form is automatically generated, saves us filling them all all out by hand, like the old days and worrying about having one of the five dates misprinted.

I simply print it and get the new owners to sign it right there while they're at my house. The actual registration does not get processed until ckc receives the signed copy that the new buyer signed. If it should be that something comes up and you get the puppy back after a week or two, (before you've sent in the signed copy, which I always hold back a few weeks) then all you have to do is go in and delete the whole info on that puppy, and start again. I love it this way. Much easier than the old paperwork nightmares.

Re: Canadian Breeders - CKC Registration

There is a place online that you can tick that the litter is all on nonbreeding? I did not see that! Could you please tell me where that is?

Re: Canadian Breeders - CKC Registration

You don't tick that the whole litter is on NB, just each one as you go. Given that you don't finalize the registrations until you "check out" after ckc sends you an email to say that they've recieved the ckc N.B. forms that you mailed in, you can always just delete it later, prior to check out, if you get the puppy back within a week or two.

When you tick off NB, the NB form basically is generated and there's a spot you can go to in your registrations to see the forms and print them. It automatically inserts the people's address, etc, from when you typed in the info for the registration. If you need help, look me up some evening call me and I'll walk you through it. I'm easy to find.

Re: Canadian Breeders - CKC Registration

Found it! That's wonderful. It must be new within the last year because online nonbreeding agreements were not available last time I had a litter. Oh what a time saver! Thanks so much for the help.

Re: Canadian Breeders - CKC Registration

Happy to have helped, and glad you found it.

Looking back, I think it was during a phone call to ckc, (some day when I had hours to wait on hold) that I learned this.

Happy Registering!!!

Re: Canadian Breeders - CKC Registration

makes AKC seem easy!

Re: Canadian Breeders - CKC Registration

I am wondering why we have to have the buyer sign anything in order to register puppies on a non-breeding agreement. Shouldn't that be the breeders choice?

Re: Canadian Breeders - CKC Registration

The reason the new owners sign the NB agreement is to show that they are aware that the pup is on a NB and they are agreeing to the terms by signing it. They don't have a choice as to whether or not the dog is registered with it.