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Is it an absolute no-no?

I have a predicament...I have 2 shows coming up this weekend, and one of the bitches I entered went into her first heat this past Friday. Under normal circumstances I'd just pull her, but these are very small shows and I'm pretty sure it will break the point if I do. Its an indoor All-Breed show, and looking through the premium I didn't see anything stating that says I can't show her because she's in heat. BUT...I don't want to upset anybody, or go through the embarrassment of having her pulled for me due to my own ignorance. Can I show her or not? I really don't want to break the point, considering I have another bitch entered as well. Any advice? TIA

Re: Is it an absolute no-no?

People show bitches in heat all the time - no big deal. BUT, you are running the risk of causing a problem with your bitch if this is her first heat cycle and it's inside where it's loud, plus she's most likely not been to very many shows. It can really freak them out particularly when they're in heat - the hormones make them a little "different". Just keep that in mind if you do decide to show your girl.

Re: Is it an absolute no-no?

I asked the same question when in the same situation and was told I could show her IF I wanted to. Just be aware of the dogs around you and be prepared for some dirty looks too.

Re: Is it an absolute no-no?

If you decide to do this make sure when the judge goes over her you let them know she is in season. Judge might appreciate that.

Re: Is it an absolute no-no?

There is no reason to pull her. Keep her back away from the ring, especially when the boys are in the ring. Be mindfull of other rings too. When I have a bitch in heat, I try and find a corner somewhere away from any rings and hang out there as long as I can.

I usually keep the pants on them before we go in the ring. This keeps them from dripping everywhere. It also lets others know that she is in heat, so they know not to bring their male dogs by her.

As long as you do your best to not be distracting to the male dogs, no one should have a problem.

There are bitches in heat at every show. It can definately be distracting for dogs, but it is part of dog shows. I also show dogs, so I know what it's like from that side too. Bitches don't show until after the dogs, so that helps, but there can bitches in heat in the ring next door. It's just part of the deal.


Re: Is it an absolute no-no?

I 100% agree with MikeM.

Re: Is it an absolute no-no?

I hope you don't think she is going to be the only one in heat, at the show There's now reason not to show her, just be courteous about it.
And by all means, don't forget to tell the judge. He or she will probably thank you.

Re: Is it an absolute no-no?

I think I worried about this when I first showed in conformation. In obedience bitches in heat are not allowed.

Re: Is it an absolute no-no?

I just showed a girl in heat. I kept a few paper towels handy so I could wipe her (especially before going in the ring). Just tell the judge she is in season. I also tried to stay away from other dogs, especially males. If you can have a crate close by, I would put her in one until ring time. Good luck with your girl!

Re: Is it an absolute no-no?

I agree with MikeM.

Show your girl if you'd like, just keep her at a distance from the crowd and when you do come ringside be sure to let those around you know that your bitch is in season.

Watch her closely. Sometimes the first heat or two can make them wig out in unusual situations. She may be fine but she might get skiddish.

If I were you I would get there early and walk her around the near empty show grounds/rings/vendor booths for a minute to acclimate her to the new area. I would not crate her because I'd want her to be with me and confident before she goes in.

Good luck with your girl!

Re: Is it an absolute no-no?

As a owner of boy dogs, keep her away from the ring until the last minute. And its not just the Lab ring you need to be careful and polite with. Just know what you are walking into.

Re: Is it an absolute no-no?

Sounds good. I'll make sure to keep pants on her and away from everybody else until it's time to show. I'll also make sure that the judge knows she's in season. I appreciate all the great advice and opinions, the last thing I want to do is upset anybody over the whole thing. I've never shown a girl in season before, but I guess there's a first time for everything.