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Fish Oil

Can anyone recommend a mercury free fish oil brand for a dog with hip dysplasia?
I've been looking at them and none of them that I see say mercury free. I must be looking in the wrong place so any guidance is appreciated.

Re: Fish Oil

I have personally been using (and liking) KRILL OIL. Try that!

Available anywhere.

Re: Fish Oil

I use one from (EPA/DHA) but not sure if it is mercury free. It is Menhadden cold water fish.

Be sure whatever you choose also contains Vit. E. If not you need to give E with the fish oil to prevent deficiency of E. I give 200iu of E.

If you go to and look under the arthritis and kidney disease section (at supplments) there may be suggestions for products that are mercury free.

Re: Fish Oil

Some will make a statement that it is purified through distillation, which would seperate Mercury out. I have bought at Sam's Club and Costco.


Re: Fish Oil

Thank you!

Re: Fish Oil

What does Fish oil do for hip dysplacia? Pardon my ignorance!

Re: Fish Oil

This is from

"Your dog can further benefit form the long chain fatty acids, specifically n-3s, found in the highest concentrations in fish oils. N-3 fatty acids reduce the expression of cartilage degrading enzymes while suppressing the production of inflammatory mediators, providing protection to the cartilage."

Re: Fish Oil

Precisely why we humans need it too!

Re: Fish Oil

Its also good for heart and kidneys.