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Puppy with OCD

My puppy with OCD in his ankles has been on medications and confined to his crate for the last 2 month. Vet says it can take 1-2 more month. Is this the normal? He is 8 month old now, and he is just little better than 2 month ago.

Re: Puppy with OCD

OCD in the hocks? (rear)legs?

I have had 2 dogs with hock OCD and had them both repaired with surgery. You will get varying opinions on this.

Re: Puppy with OCD

Just dealt with this for the first time last summer. We used Adequan injections - twice a week for a month and then once a month for a couple months. The dog is completely fine now and has not limped for months. BTW, she is now a very active youngster at 15 months old. So glad we did not opt for surgery as we would have spent over 3K for the one hock! Finances forced us into conservative treatment but not sure I would suggest surgery. Just my opinion/experience.

BTW, we did not crate her but did keep her in a smallish yard. Our vet told us not to crate her.

Re: Puppy with OCD

How long did it take her to fully recover?

Re: Puppy with OCD

My puppy with OCD in his ankles has been on medications and confined to his crate for the last 2 month. Vet says it can take 1-2 more month. Is this the normal? He is 8 month old now, and he is just little better than 2 month ago.

Can you be more specific on where the OCD has been diagnosed? You say ankles, but do you mean hocks? One or both? I have had OCD in the hocks, and did not do surgery. Dog is now 4, and sound as could be. One hock is large, though. He will have arthritis as he ages, I am sure.

Re: Puppy with OCD

Have a boy that got diagnosed with OCD in the rear hock at around 5 months old....and looking back, I should have gone more conservatively too...but opted for the surgery. It took longer to recover because I didn't start him on physical therapy right away...which I should have immedately done. He's mostly sound now, but you can tell when he's played hard because his hock will swell every once in a while, and he'll limp for a bit...only on long hard playing days though. Otherwise, he's great. But I'd really recommend doing conservative first if you can.

Re: Puppy with OCD

I meant hocks. Thanks. He does not limp, but do tent to sit a lot.

Re: Puppy with OCD

My pup was fully recovered in about 6 months. (meaning no limping, even after she's been very active) Her hock was huge at one point. It is still not down to the size of the other one but is much better.