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tape worm

I have a bitch that I found tape worm in her poo....she was away for 5 weeks with a family came home 4 weeks ago and I noticed the tape worm. My question is must I treat all my dogs or just her? My gang is flea free. She had a few fleas while away so I was told.
As I said its been such a long time for me on tape worm...Is it dronsit that I use? If I recall I can only get this from the vet?? Its been many many years since any of mine have had tape worm. GEEZ I hate this!!

Re: tape worm

We use Fish Tape pills bought at Revival on line store.

Re: tape worm

Hi... You just need to treat her. And poo watch(like I know we all do anyway) the others. Use either droncit or cestex. I don't trust the off label stuff.

There are two types of tapes, flea and rabbit. Many don't realize this and I learned this long ago because I don't have fleas and saw tape segments on poo also one time and freaked : ) because I don't have fleas. That's when I learned there were two types. My vet got the segments and looked at them. They are each different.

I do live in the country and bunnies, unfortunately find their way into my huge yards and if they aren't lucky, they obviously get caught and ...gag me, eaten.

Re: tape worm

actually it is fleas and rodents (rabbits, rats, mice, squirrels, etc) panacur for 5 days will work in most cases If it does not then you have to go to the expensive meds.