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Grays Lake (IL) Show Results?

Does anyone here know results form Grays Lake today?

Re: Grays Lake (IL) Show Results?

From Open Yellow, WB, BOW, BOB for a 3 point Major... Ambridge Turn Me Loose (Am./Can. CH. SHR Summerset Buoys Nite Out WC, CGC x Ambridge Good Day Sunshine) owned by Cathy Arebalo. "Lucy" made her ring debut last week in MI going WB 3 of the 4 days topped off with BOB over specials & Group 2 on Sunday, so today makes 9 points!

"Cooler" is owned by Kathy Wiecha, Honadore Labradors; Lucy bred by yours truly. Our Sunshine is by Study out of a Regal Air daughter.

Re: Grays Lake (IL) Show Results?

Congrats on the big win!! Do you know who was WD and RWD?

Re: Grays Lake (IL) Show Results?

Sorry Chris, that's all I heard.

Re: Grays Lake (IL) Show Results?

Congrats on your girl's win! Heard WD was Sunchase Ania's Octave (Ch.Sureshot Baloo x Ch. Sunchase Innocent). Only heard WB/WD - sorry!

Re: Grays Lake (IL) Show Results?

One of my girl's litter brothers (also out of Study) was showing up there. This was his second weekend in the ring - he previously was RWD from the 6-9 puppy class in December at his first shows near Chicago. If you hear of anything, please post.

Re: Grays Lake (IL) Show Results?

I was a bit distracted but I thought RWD was a yellow puppy from maybe the 6-9 class - would that be your boy?

Re: Grays Lake (IL) Show Results?

Congratulations Anna!! He's a lovely boy and very deserving. He has to be finished or pretty close!Congratulations to all the other winners.

Re: Grays Lake (IL) Show Results?

Congratulations, Val! She's on a roll!

Congratulations to the other winners as well!