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Grain Free Food and Seniors

Any thoughts, feedback, on feeding a grain free food to seniors? I was looking at Taste of the Wild.

Re: Grain Free Food and Seniors

I feed Orijen/Acana grain-free to all my dogs, two of which are currently 11 and 9. They are in fine fettle; you'd never guess their ages! What is your worry with a grain-free food?

Re: Grain Free Food and Seniors

I switched my 3 seniors to Orijen in October. Loved the results except for the weight gain on all three. They do gain weight easily but they seemed to gain alot more on Orijen. I cut their portions quite a bit from what I was previously feeding but they each still gained alot of weight. Is this normal for grain free foods even if you reduce the amount you feed?

Re: Grain Free Food and Seniors

Might want to run a Thyroid on the older ones if weight gain seems abnormal.

Re: Grain Free Food and Seniors

You do feed less grain free to maintain proper weight.

A lot of dogs will actually loose weight on grain free.

The suggestion of thyroid check is a good idea.

The higher fat in grain free can be a problem for less active seniors, causing weight gain. Sometimes dogs don't digest fat properly causing weight gain. Lecithin can help. Talk you your vet about it. I used 1200 mgs daily and it worked for my girl. Her issue was found thru blood work.

I think EVO makes a reduced fat grain free food.